Commit 2335c52c authored by Silvan Calarco's avatar Silvan Calarco

Initial commit

This diff is collapsed.
The textual contents of openmamba-website are released under the Creative
Commons 3.0 Attribution-ShareAlike license available at:
You are free:
to Share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work
to Remix - to adapt the work
Under the followin contitions:
Attribution: You must attribute the work
Share Alike: If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may
distribute the resulting work only under the same, similar or
a compatibile license.
Changes in version 0.1.4 <> 20080729
- update to current website
Changes in version 0.1.3 <>
- update to current website
Changes in version 0.1.2 <>
- update of distribution install pages (openmamba-bootcd)
Changes in version 0.1.1 <>
- added support for user registration (not community)
- security code check implemented when redirecting to register.php
Changes in version 0.1 <>
- first packaging
# openmamba-website Makefile for installation and packaging
# Copyright (c) 2003-2011 by Silvan Calarco <>
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
include VERSION
package = openmamba-website
distdir = $(package)-$(version)
dist_archive = $(package)-$(version).tar.bz2
prefix := /usr
localstatedir := /var
datadir := $(prefix)/share
wwwdir := $(localstatedir)/www
sysconfdir := /etc
ftproot := $(localstatedir)/ftp/pub/
wwwfiles: clean
@touch wwwroot/captcha/index.html wwwroot/cgi-bin/index.html \
ln -sf $(ftproot) wwwroot/pub
dist: clean wwwfiles
@mkdir /tmp/$(distdir)
@cp -a * /tmp/$(distdir)/
@rm -f $(dist_archive);\
tar cf - -C /tmp $(distdir) | bzip2 -9 -c > $(dist_archive)
@rm -rf /tmp/$(distdir)
@echo "file \`$(dist_archive)' created"
dist-rpm: dist
@rpm_sourcedir=`rpm --eval=%{_sourcedir}`;\
mv -f $(package)-$(version).tar.bz2 $$rpm_sourcedir;\
echo "and saved as \`$$rpm_sourcedir/$(dist_archive)'"
@rm -fr $(dist_archive) wwwroot/backup-old wwwroot/google*.html;\
rm -fr wwwroot/captcha/* \
wwwroot/pub wwwroot/cgi-bin/regdb wwwroot/cgi-bin/config.rpmsave \
@install -d $(DESTDIR)$(wwwdir)/;\
cp -a wwwroot/* $(DESTDIR)$(wwwdir)/;\
install -d $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/httpd/httpd.d;\
cp -a config/ $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/httpd/httpd.d
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/"
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %I %O %X" combinedom
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/ combinedom
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/
Redirect permanent /
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/
Redirect permanent /
<Directory "/var/www/">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
HeaderName /header-indexes.html
ReadmeName /footer.html
IndexOptions FancyIndexing HTMLTable DescriptionWidth=* NameWidth=* FoldersFirst
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<Directory "/var/www/">
Options Includes
HeaderName /header-indexes.html
ReadmeName /footer.html
IndexOptions FancyIndexing HTMLTable DescriptionWidth=* NameWidth=* FoldersFirst
DirectoryIndex index.html
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<Directory "/var/www/">
Options Includes
HeaderName /header-indexes.html
ReadmeName /footer.html
IndexOptions FancyIndexing HTMLTable DescriptionWidth=* NameWidth=* FoldersFirst
DirectoryIndex index.html
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
DavLockDB /var/www/davdb/DavLock
<Directory "/var/www/">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Dav On
<LimitExcept GET OPTIONS>
Require valid-user
use strict;
use Carp;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use GD::SecurityImage;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
my $num_of_characters = 5;
my $expire = 300;
my $captcha_on = 1;
my $captcha_font = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/FreeSansBold.ttf";
my $output_dir = "/var/www/";
my $www_output_dir = "/captcha";
my $www_address = "";
my $db_dir = "/var/www/";
my $users_homedir = "/var/www/";
my $users_datadir = "/var/www/";
my $emaildest = "webmaster\";
my $emailsender = "noreply\";
my $sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
my $failmsg="";
sub main
open(FILE, "config") || die "Error: cannot open configuration file.";
while (<FILE>) {
chomp; # no newline
s/#.*//; # no comments
s/^\s+//; # no leading white
s/\s+$//; # no trailing white
next unless length;
my ($var, $value) = split(/\s*=\s*/,$_,2);
# print "assignment:$var=$value";
my $check_res = 0;
# import any get or post variables into the Q namespace
if ($Q::formsubmit)
my $res = 1;
if ($captcha_on) { $res=&check_code($Q::code, $Q::crypt); }
if ($res == 1) {
if ($failmsg eq "") {
# $check_res = &send_mail();
# if ($check_res == 0) {
print "Location:/scripts/register.php?user_login=$Q::alias&user_email=$Q::email\n\n";
# print "OK";
# print header;
# print "OK";
exit 0;
# } else {
# $failmsg = "error submitting the form, please contact the webmaster<br>";
# }
} elsif ($res == -1) {
$failmsg = "$failmsg code has expired<br>";
} elsif ($res == -2) {
$failmsg = "$failmsg control code is not correct<br>";
} elsif ($res == -3) {
$failmsg = "$failmsg control code is not correct<br>";
} else {
$failmsg = "general error ($res), please contact the webmaster<br>";
if ($captcha_on) { &default; } else { print header; }
print "Please correct the following errors and submit the form again:";
print "<br><font color=red>$failmsg</font><br>";
} else {
if ($captcha_on) {
print "<br><br>";
} else {
print header;
print "<input type=hidden name=crypt value=\"\" id=crypt>";
print "<input type=hidden name=code value=\"\" id=code>\n";
sub check_fields
($Q::fullname) or $failmsg = "$failmsg username not entered<br>";
($Q::email) or $failmsg = "$failmsg email not entered<br>";
($Q::alias) or $failmsg = "$failmsg alias not entered<br>";
($Q::country) or $failmsg = "$failmsg country not selected<br>";
sub send_mail
my $content = "User $Q::alias has just registered on $www_address\n";
my $subject = "A new user has registered on $www_address";
open(SENDMAIL, "|$sendmail") or die "Cannot open $sendmail: $!";
# print SENDMAIL $reply_to;
print SENDMAIL "Subject: $subject\n";
print SENDMAIL "From: $emailsender\n";
print SENDMAIL "To: $emaildest\n";
print SENDMAIL "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
print SENDMAIL "$content\n";
open(OUTF, ">$users_homedir/" . $Q::alias . ".html") or die "Cannot create file $users_homedir/$Q::alias.html: $!";
print OUTF "<h1>$Q::alias home page</h1><br>";
open(OUTF, ">$users_datadir/$Q::alias") or die "Cannot create file $users_datadir/${Q::alias}: $!";
print OUTF "name=\"$Q::fullname\n\"";
print OUTF "email=\"$Q::email\n\"";
print OUTF "phone=$Q::phone\n";
print OUTF "country=$Q::country\n";
print OUTF "address1=$Q::address1\n";
print OUTF "address2=$Q::address2\n";
print OUTF "city=$Q::city\n";
print OUTF "zip=$Q::zip\n";
print OUTF "password=$Q::password\n";
print OUTF "roles=(";
($Q::role_supporter) and print OUTF "role_supporter ";
($Q::role_sponsor) and print OUTF "role_sponsor ";
print OUTF ")\n";
return 0;
sub touch_file
my $file = shift;
# create database file if it doesn't already exist
if (! -e $file)
open (DATA, ">>$file") or die "Can't create File: $file\n";
sub write_code
my $code = shift;
my $md5 = shift;
my $database_file = File::Spec->catfile($db_dir,'codes.txt');
# set a variable with the current time
my $current_time = time;
# create database file if it doesn't already exist
# clean expired codes and images
open (DBFILE, "<$database_file") or die "Can't open File: $database_file\n";
flock DBFILE, 1; # read lock
my @data=<DBFILE>;
my $new_data = "";
foreach my $line (@data)
$line =~ s/\n//;
my ($data_time,$data_code) = split(/::/,$line);
if ( (($current_time - $data_time) > $expire) ||
($data_code eq $md5) )
{ # remove expired captcha, or a dup
my $png_file = File::Spec->catfile($output_dir,$data_code . ".png");
unlink($png_file) or carp("Can't remove png file [$png_file]\n");
} else {
$new_data .= $line."\n";
# save the code to database
# warn "open File: $database_file\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
open(DBFILE,">$database_file") or die "Can't open File: $database_file\n"
flock DBFILE, 2; # write lock
# warn "-->>" . $new_data . "\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
# warn "-->>" . $current_time . "::" . $md5."\n" if($self->debug()>= 2);
print DBFILE $new_data;
print DBFILE $current_time."::".$md5."\n";
sub default
# my $md5sum = $captcha->generate_code($num_of_characters);
my $image = GD::SecurityImage->new(width => 100,
height => 50,
ptsize => 22,
lines => 10,
# scramble => 1,
rndmax => 5,
angle => 360,
# thickness => 1,
send_ctobg => 1,
bgcolor => '#ffffff',
font => $captcha_font,
gd_font => 'giant');
$image->create( "ttf","ec","#0000CC","#c8c8CC");
#normal => 'circle');
my($image_data, $mime_type, $random_number) = $image->out;
my $md5sum=md5_hex($random_number);
open(PNGFILE,"> $output_dir/$md5sum.png");
print PNGFILE $image_data;
write_code($random_number, $md5sum);
print header;
print "<input type=hidden name=crypt value=\"$md5sum\" id=crypt><br>
<table border=0><tr>
<td>Please, enter the code in the image on the right:
<INPUT TYPE=text name=code id=code size=5></td>
<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"$www_output_dir/$md5sum.png\"><br>
<a href=\"javascript://\" onclick=javascript:formScript.update();><font size=-1>load a new code</font></a>
sub check_code
my ($code, $crypt) = @_;
$code = lc($code);
# warn "$code $crypt\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
my $current_time = time;
my $return_value = 0;
my $database_file = File::Spec->catfile($db_dir,"codes.txt");
# create database file if it doesn't already exist
# zeros (0) and ones (1) are not part of the code
# they could be confused with (o) and (l), so we swap them in
#$code =~ tr/01/ol/;
my $md5 = md5_hex($code);
# pull in current database
# warn "Open File: $database_file\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
open (DBFILE, "<$database_file") or die "Can't open File: $database_file\n";
flock DBFILE, 1; # read lock
my @data=<DBFILE>;
# warn "Close File: $database_file\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
my $passed=0;
# $new_data will hold the part of the database we want to keep and
# write back out
my $new_data = "";
my $found;
foreach my $line (@data)
$line =~ s/\n//;
my ($data_time,$data_code) = split(/::/,$line);
my $png_file = File::Spec->catfile($output_dir,$data_code . ".png");
if ($data_code eq $crypt)
# the crypt was found in the database
if (($current_time - $data_time) >$expire)
# warn "Crypt Found But Expired\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
# the crypt was found but has expired
$return_value = -1;
} else {
# warn "Match Crypt in File Crypt: $crypt\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
$found = 1;
# remove the found crypt so it can't be used again
# warn "Unlink File: " . $png_file . "\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
unlink($png_file) or carp("Can't remove png file [$png_file]\n");
} elsif (($current_time - $data_time) > $expire) {
# removed expired crypt
# warn "Removing Expired Crypt File: " . $png_file ."\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
unlink($png_file) or carp("Can't remove png file [$png_file]\n");
} else {
# crypt not found or expired, keep it
$new_data .= $line."\n";
if ($md5 eq $crypt)
# warn "Match: " . $md5 . " And " . $crypt . "\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
# solution was correct
if ($found)
# solution was correct and was found in database - passed
$return_value = 1;
} elsif (!$return_value) {
# solution was not found in database
$return_value = -2;
} else {
# warn "No Match: " . $md5 . " And " . $crypt . "\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
# incorrect solution
$return_value = -3;
# update database
open(DBFILE,">$database_file") or die "Can't open File: $database_file\n";
flock DBFILE, 2; # write lock
print DBFILE $new_data;
return $return_value;
sub load_cgi_variables
my $cgi = new CGI;
sendmail="/usr/sbin/sendmail -t"
use strict;
use Carp;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use GD::SecurityImage;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
my $captcha_on = 1;
my $captcha_font = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/FreeSansBold.ttf";
my $output_dir = "/var/www/";
my $www_output_dir = "/captcha";
my $www_address = "";
my $db_dir = "/var/www/";
my $users_homedir = "/var/www/";
my $users_datadir = "/var/www/";
my $num_of_characters = 5;
my $expire = 300;
my $emaildest = "silvan.calarco\";
my $emailsender = "noreply\";
my $sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
my $failmsg="";
sub main
my $check_res = 0;
# import any get or post variables into the Q namespace
if ($Q::formsubmit)
my $res = 1;
if ($captcha_on) { $res=&check_code($Q::code, $Q::crypt); }
if ($res == 1) {
if ($failmsg eq "") {
$check_res = &send_mail();
if ($check_res == 0) {
print header;
print "OK";
exit 0;
} else {
$failmsg = "error submitting the form, please contact the webmaster<br>";
} elsif ($res == -1) {
$failmsg = "$failmsg code has expired<br>";
} elsif ($res == -3) {
$failmsg = "$failmsg control code is not correct<br>";
} else {
$failmsg = "general error ($res), please contact the webmaster<br>";
if ($captcha_on) { &default; } else { print header; }
print "Please correct the following errors and submit the form again:";
print "<br><font color=red>$failmsg</font><br>";
} else {
if ($captcha_on) {
print "<br><br>";
} else {
print header;
print "<input type=hidden name=crypt value=\"\" id=crypt>";
print "<input type=hidden name=code value=\"\" id=code>\n";
sub check_fields
($Q::fullname) or $failmsg = "$failmsg username not entered<br>";
($Q::email) or $failmsg = "$failmsg email not entered<br>";
($Q::country) or $failmsg = "$failmsg country not selected<br>";
sub send_mail
my $content = "User $Q::alias has just registered $www_address\n";
my $subject = "A new user has registered on $www_address";
open(SENDMAIL, "|$sendmail") or die "Cannot open $sendmail: $!";
# print SENDMAIL $reply_to;
print SENDMAIL "Subject: $subject\n";
print SENDMAIL "From: $emailsender\n";
print SENDMAIL "To: $emaildest\n";
print SENDMAIL "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
print SENDMAIL "$content\n";
open(OUTF, ">$users_homedir/" . $Q::alias . ".html") or die "Cannot create file $users_homedir/$Q::alias.html: $!";
print OUTF "<h1>$Q::alias home page</h1><br>";
open(OUTF, ">$users_datadir/$Q::alias") or die "Cannot create file $users_datadir/${Q::alias}: $!";
print OUTF "name=\"$Q::fullname\n\"";
print OUTF "email=\"$Q::email\n\"";
print OUTF "phone=$Q::phone\n";
print OUTF "country=$Q::country\n";
print OUTF "address1=$Q::address1\n";
print OUTF "address2=$Q::address2\n";
print OUTF "city=$Q::city\n";
print OUTF "zip=$Q::zip\n";
print OUTF "password=$Q::password\n";
print OUTF "roles=(";
($Q::role_supporter) and print OUTF "role_supporter ";
($Q::role_sponsor) and print OUTF "role_sponsor ";
print OUTF ")\n";
return 0;
sub touch_file
my $file = shift;
# create database file if it doesn't already exist
if (! -e $file)
open (DATA, ">>$file") or die "Can't create File: $file\n";
sub write_code
my $code = shift;
my $md5 = shift;
my $database_file = File::Spec->catfile($db_dir,'codes.txt');
# set a variable with the current time
my $current_time = time;
# create database file if it doesn't already exist
# clean expired codes and images
open (DBFILE, "<$database_file") or die "Can't open File: $database_file\n";
flock DBFILE, 1; # read lock
my @data=<DBFILE>;
my $new_data = "";
foreach my $line (@data)
$line =~ s/\n//;
my ($data_time,$data_code) = split(/::/,$line);
if ( (($current_time - $data_time) > $expire) ||
($data_code eq $md5) )
{ # remove expired captcha, or a dup
my $png_file = File::Spec->catfile($output_dir,$data_code . ".png");
unlink($png_file) or carp("Can't remove png file [$png_file]\n");
} else {
$new_data .= $line."\n";
# save the code to database
# warn "open File: $database_file\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
open(DBFILE,">$database_file") or die "Can't open File: $database_file\n"
flock DBFILE, 2; # write lock
# warn "-->>" . $new_data . "\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
# warn "-->>" . $current_time . "::" . $md5."\n" if($self->debug()>= 2);
print DBFILE $new_data;
print DBFILE $current_time."::".$md5."\n";
sub default
# my $md5sum = $captcha->generate_code($num_of_characters);
my $image = GD::SecurityImage->new(width => 100,
height => 50,
ptsize => 22,
lines => 10,
# scramble => 1,
rndmax => 5,
angle => 360,
# thickness => 1,
send_ctobg => 1,
bgcolor => '#ffffff',
font => $captcha_font,
gd_font => 'giant');
$image->create( "ttf","ec","#0000CC","#c8c8CC");
#normal => 'circle');
my($image_data, $mime_type, $random_number) = $image->out;
my $md5sum=md5_hex($random_number);
open(PNGFILE,"> $output_dir/$md5sum.png");
print PNGFILE $image_data;
write_code($random_number, $md5sum);
print header;
print "<input type=hidden name=crypt value=\"$md5sum\" id=crypt><br>
<table border=0><tr>
<td>Please, enter the code in the image on the right:
<INPUT TYPE=text name=code id=code size=5></td>
<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"$www_output_dir/$md5sum.png\"><br>
<a href=\"javascript://\" onclick=javascript:formScript.update();><font size=-1>load a new code</font></a>
sub check_code
my ($code, $crypt) = @_;
$code = lc($code);
# warn "$code $crypt\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
my $current_time = time;
my $return_value = 0;
my $database_file = File::Spec->catfile($db_dir,"codes.txt");
# create database file if it doesn't already exist
# zeros (0) and ones (1) are not part of the code
# they could be confused with (o) and (l), so we swap them in
#$code =~ tr/01/ol/;
my $md5 = md5_hex($code);
# pull in current database
# warn "Open File: $database_file\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
open (DBFILE, "<$database_file") or die "Can't open File: $database_file\n";
flock DBFILE, 1; # read lock
my @data=<DBFILE>;
# warn "Close File: $database_file\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
my $passed=0;
# $new_data will hold the part of the database we want to keep and
# write back out
my $new_data = "";
my $found;
foreach my $line (@data)
$line =~ s/\n//;
my ($data_time,$data_code) = split(/::/,$line);
my $png_file = File::Spec->catfile($output_dir,$data_code . ".png");
if ($data_code eq $crypt)
# the crypt was found in the database
if (($current_time - $data_time) >$expire)
# warn "Crypt Found But Expired\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
# the crypt was found but has expired
$return_value = -1;
} else {
# warn "Match Crypt in File Crypt: $crypt\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
$found = 1;
# remove the found crypt so it can't be used again
# warn "Unlink File: " . $png_file . "\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
unlink($png_file) or carp("Can't remove png file [$png_file]\n");
} elsif (($current_time - $data_time) > $expire) {
# removed expired crypt
# warn "Removing Expired Crypt File: " . $png_file ."\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
unlink($png_file) or carp("Can't remove png file [$png_file]\n");
} else {
# crypt not found or expired, keep it
$new_data .= $line."\n";
if ($md5 eq $crypt)
# warn "Match: " . $md5 . " And " . $crypt . "\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
# solution was correct
if ($found)
# solution was correct and was found in database - passed
$return_value = 1;
} elsif (!$return_value) {
# solution was not found in database
$return_value = -2;
} else {
# warn "No Match: " . $md5 . " And " . $crypt . "\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
# incorrect solution
$return_value = -3;
# update database
open(DBFILE,">$database_file") or die "Can't open File: $database_file\n";
flock DBFILE, 2; # write lock
print DBFILE $new_data;
return $return_value;
sub load_cgi_variables
my $cgi = new CGI;
echo $header
[ "$1" ] && SHOW_BANNERS="$1"
. ../banners/auto/
[ "$HORIZONTAL_BANNERS" ] && echo "<table style=\"border:0\"><tr>"
for i in `seq 1 $SHOW_BANNERS`; do
let number="$number % $banner_count"
[ "$HORIZONTAL_BANNERS" ] && echo "<td>"
cat ../banners/auto/$number.html
[ "$HORIZONTAL_BANNERS" ] && echo "</td>"
[ "$HORIZONTAL_BANNERS" ] && echo "</tr></table>"
echo $header
filelines=`wc -l $filename | awk '{ print $1 }'`
filepages=`expr $filelines / $range + 1`
[ "$page" -a $page -gt 0 ] || page=1
from=`expr \( $page - 1 \) \* $range + 1`
to=`expr $from \+ $range - 1`
nextpage=`expr $page + 1`
prevpage=`expr $page - 1`
[ $from -ge $range ] && echo -n "<a href=\"showfile.html?file=$file&page=$prevpage\">&lt;</a>&nbsp;" || echo -n "&lt;&nbsp;"
[ $page -gt $idxsize ] && idxfrom=`expr $page - $idxsize` || idxfrom=1
idxto=`expr $idxfrom + $idxsize \* 2`
[ $idxto -le $filepages ] || idxto=$filepages
[ $filepages -gt $idxsize ] && idxst=`expr $page - $idxsize` || idxst=1
for i in `seq $idxfrom $idxto`; do
if [ $i -eq $page ]; then
echo -n "$i&nbsp;"
echo -n "<a href=\"showfile.html?file=$file&page=$i\">$i</a>&nbsp;"
[ $to -lt $filelines ] && echo -n "<a href=\"showfile.html?file=$file&page=$nextpage\">&gt;</a>&nbsp;" || echo -n "&gt;&nbsp;"
exit 0
echo $header
[ "$page" -a $page -gt 0 ] || page=1
from=`expr \( $page - 1 \) \* $range + 1`
to=`expr $from \+ $range - 1`
if [ "$ext" = "log" -o "$ext" = "spec" -o "$ext" = "patch" -o "$ext" = "diff" ]; then
/bin/sed -n "${from},${to}p" $filename | /bin/sed -e 's|\&|\&amp;|g' \
-e 's|<|\&lt;|g' \
-e 's|>|\&gt;|g' \
-e 's|\([[:alpha:][:digit:]]*\)\@[[:alpha:][:digit:]]*\.[[:alpha:][:digit:]\.]*|\1@...|g'
#'s|\&|\\&amp;|g' -e 's|<|\&lt;|g' -e 's|>|\&gt;|g' -e 's|\([[:alpha:][:digit:]]*\)\@[[:alpha:][:digit:]]*\.[[:alpha:][:digit:]\.]*|\1@...|g' /var/www/$file
/bin/sed -n "${from},${to}p" $filename
exit 0
use strict;
use Carp;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use GD::SecurityImage;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
my $captcha_on = 1;
my $captcha_font = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/FreeSansBold.ttf";
my $captcha_md5sum = "";
my $output_dir = "/var/www/";
my $www_output_dir = "/captcha";
my $www_address = "";
my $db_dir = "/var/www/";
my $regdb_file = "/var/www/";
my $users_homedir = "/var/www/";
my $users_datadir = "/var/www/";
my $num_of_characters = 5;
my $expire = 300;
my $emaildest = "webmaster\";
my $emailsender = "noreply\";
my $sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
my $database_file = File::Spec->catfile($db_dir,'codes.txt');
my $failmsg="";
sub main
open(FILE, "config") || die "Error: cannot open configuration file.";
while (<FILE>) {
chomp; # no newline
s/#.*//; # no comments
s/^\s+//; # no leading white
s/\s+$//; # no trailing white
next unless length;
my ($var, $value) = split(/\s*=\s*/,$_,2);
# print "assignment:$var=$value";
my $check_res = 0;
# import any get or post variables into the Q namespace
if ($Q::formsubmit)
my $res = 1;
if ($captcha_on) { $res=&check_code($Q::code, $Q::crypt); }
if ($res == 1) {
if ($failmsg eq "") {
$check_res = &send_mail();
if ($check_res == 0) {
# write one time code for register.php script
if ($captcha_on) {
my $md5sum=md5_hex(rand());
open(DBFILE,">>$database_file") or die "Can't open File: $database_file\n";
flock DBFILE, 2; # write lock
print DBFILE "0::".$md5sum."\n";
print "Location:/scripts/register.php?user_login=$Q::alias&user_email=$Q::email&code=$md5sum&captcha_code=$captcha_md5sum\n\n";
# print "OK";
# print header;
# print "OK";
exit 0;
} else {
$failmsg = "error submitting the form, please contact the webmaster<br>";
} elsif ($res == -1) {
$failmsg = "$failmsg code has expired<br>";
} elsif ($res == -2) {
$failmsg = "$failmsg control code is not correct<br>";
} elsif ($res == -3) {
$failmsg = "$failmsg control code is not correct<br>";
} else {
$failmsg = "general error ($res), please contact the webmaster<br>";
if ($captcha_on) { &generate_captcha; } else { print header; }
print "Please correct the following errors and submit the form again:";
print "<br><font color=red>$failmsg</font><br>";
} else {
if ($captcha_on) {
print "<br><br>";
} else {
print header;
print "<input type=hidden name=crypt value=\"\" id=crypt>";
print "<input type=hidden name=code value=\"\" id=code>\n";
sub check_fields
($Q::fullname) or $failmsg = "$failmsg username not entered<br>";
($Q::email) or $failmsg = "$failmsg email not entered<br>";
($Q::alias) or $failmsg = "$failmsg alias not entered<br>";
($Q::country) or $failmsg = "$failmsg country not selected<br>";
($Q::accept_document =~ "true") or $failmsg = "$failmsg service conditions not accepted<br>";
sub send_mail
my $content = "User $Q::alias has just registered on $www_address\n
Full Name: $Q::fullname
Country: $Q::country
Language: $Q::language
E-Mail: $Q::email
Accept privacy: $Q::accept_document
Info openmamba: $Q::info_openmamba
Info mambaSoft: $Q::info_mambasoft
Prefer HTML: $Q::info_HTML
my $subject = "A new user has registered on $www_address";
open(SENDMAIL, "|$sendmail") or die "Cannot open $sendmail: $!";
# print SENDMAIL $reply_to;
print SENDMAIL "Subject: $subject\n";
print SENDMAIL "From: $emailsender\n";
print SENDMAIL "To: $emaildest\n";
print SENDMAIL "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
print SENDMAIL "$content\n";
open(OUTF, ">>$regdb_file") or die "Cannot open file $regdb_file for append: $!";
print OUTF "$Q::alias,$Q::fullname,$Q::country,$Q::language,$Q::email,$Q::accept_document,".
# open(OUTF, ">$users_datadir/$Q::alias") or die "Cannot create file $users_datadir/${Q::alias}: $!";
# print OUTF "name=\"$Q::fullname\n\"";
# print OUTF "email=\"$Q::email\n\"";
# print OUTF "phone=$Q::phone\n";
# print OUTF "country=$Q::country\n";
# print OUTF "address1=$Q::address1\n";
# print OUTF "address2=$Q::address2\n";
# print OUTF "city=$Q::city\n";
# print OUTF "zip=$Q::zip\n";
# print OUTF "password=$Q::password\n";
# print OUTF "roles=(";
# ($Q::role_supporter) and print OUTF "role_supporter ";
# ($Q::role_sponsor) and print OUTF "role_sponsor ";
# print OUTF ")\n";
# close(OUTF);
return 0;
sub touch_file
my $file = shift;
# create database file if it doesn't already exist
if (! -e $file)
open (DATA, ">>$file") or die "Can't create File: $file\n";
sub write_code
my $code = shift;
my $md5 = shift;
# set a variable with the current time
my $current_time = time;
# create database file if it doesn't already exist
# clean expired codes and images
open (DBFILE, "<$database_file") or die "Can't open File: $database_file\n";
flock DBFILE, 1; # read lock
my @data=<DBFILE>;
my $new_data = "";
foreach my $line (@data)
$line =~ s/\n//;
my ($data_time,$data_code) = split(/::/,$line);
if ( (($current_time - $data_time) > $expire) ||
($data_code eq $md5) )
{ # remove expired captcha, or a dup
my $png_file = File::Spec->catfile($output_dir,$data_code . ".png");
# or carp("Can't remove png file [$png_file]\n");
} else {
$new_data .= $line."\n";
# save the code to database
# warn "open File: $database_file\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
open(DBFILE,">$database_file") or die "Can't open File: $database_file\n"
flock DBFILE, 2; # write lock
# warn "-->>" . $new_data . "\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
# warn "-->>" . $current_time . "::" . $md5."\n" if($self->debug()>= 2);
print DBFILE $new_data;
print DBFILE $current_time."::".$md5."\n";
sub generate_captcha
# output_mode =
# 0: print captcha html code
# 1: return md5sum
my ($output_mode) = @_;
# my $md5sum = $captcha->generate_code($num_of_characters);
my $image = GD::SecurityImage->new(width => 100,
height => 50,
ptsize => 22,
lines => 10,
# scramble => 1,
rndmax => 5,
angle => 360,
# thickness => 1,
send_ctobg => 1,
bgcolor => '#ffffff',
font => $captcha_font,
gd_font => 'giant');
$image->create( "ttf","ec","#0000CC","#c8c8CC");
#normal => 'circle');
my($image_data, $mime_type, $random_number) = $image->out;
my $md5sum=md5_hex($random_number);
open(PNGFILE,"> $output_dir/$md5sum.png");
print PNGFILE $image_data;
write_code($random_number, $md5sum);
if ($output_mode != 1) {
print header;
print "<input type=hidden name=crypt value=\"$md5sum\" id=crypt><br>";
print "<table border=0><tr>";
print "<td>Please, enter the code in the image on the right:";
print "<INPUT TYPE=text name=code id=code size=5></td>";
print "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"$www_output_dir/$md5sum.png\"><br>";
print "<a href=\"javascript://\" onclick=javascript:formScript.update();><font size=-1>load a new code</font></a>";
print "</td></tr></table>\n";
sub check_code
my ($code, $crypt) = @_;
$code = lc($code);
# warn "$code $crypt\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
my $current_time = time;
my $return_value = 0;
my $database_file = File::Spec->catfile($db_dir,"codes.txt");
# create database file if it doesn't already exist
# zeros (0) and ones (1) are not part of the code
# they could be confused with (o) and (l), so we swap them in
#$code =~ tr/01/ol/;
my $md5 = md5_hex($code);
# pull in current database
# warn "Open File: $database_file\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
open (DBFILE, "<$database_file") or die "Can't open File: $database_file\n";
flock DBFILE, 1; # read lock
my @data=<DBFILE>;
# warn "Close File: $database_file\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
my $passed=0;
# $new_data will hold the part of the database we want to keep and
# write back out
my $new_data = "";
my $found;
foreach my $line (@data)
$line =~ s/\n//;
my ($data_time,$data_code) = split(/::/,$line);
my $png_file = File::Spec->catfile($output_dir,$data_code . ".png");
if ($data_code eq $crypt)
# the crypt was found in the database
if (($current_time - $data_time) >$expire)
# warn "Crypt Found But Expired\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
# the crypt was found but has expired
$return_value = -1;
} else {
# warn "Match Crypt in File Crypt: $crypt\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
$found = 1;
# remove the found crypt so it can't be used again
# warn "Unlink File: " . $png_file . "\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
# or carp("Can't remove png file [$png_file]\n");
} elsif (($current_time - $data_time) > $expire) {
# removed expired crypt
# warn "Removing Expired Crypt File: " . $png_file ."\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
# or carp("Can't remove png file [$png_file]\n");
} else {
# crypt not found or expired, keep it
$new_data .= $line."\n";
if ($md5 eq $crypt)
# warn "Match: " . $md5 . " And " . $crypt . "\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
# solution was correct
if ($found)
# solution was correct and was found in database - passed
$return_value = 1;
} elsif (!$return_value) {
# solution was not found in database
$return_value = -2;
} else {
# warn "No Match: " . $md5 . " And " . $crypt . "\n" if($self->debug() >= 2);
# incorrect solution
$return_value = -3;
# update database
open(DBFILE,">$database_file") or die "Can't open File: $database_file\n";
flock DBFILE, 2; # write lock
print DBFILE $new_data;
return $return_value;
sub load_cgi_variables
my $cgi = new CGI;
<!--#set var="title" value="Community" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="openmamba community main page" -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="community,developers,roles,role game,about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="Ready to use GNU/Linux" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<table width="100%"><tr><td>
<tr><td valign="middle">
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/community-gr.png" alt="community"></td>
<td class="toptitle">openmamba community</td>
<p>The openmamba community is made of people who contribute to the development and spreading of GNU/Linux open source software.
The reason to make a community is to improve the development of open collaborative projects including the <i>openmamba
GNU/Linux distribution</i> on which this project is based.
Community participants can communicate through the <a href="">mailing lists</a>
and the forum<a href="">forum</a>.
Among the benefits you get from participating to this community are the possibility to
contribute with your own ideas and works in a big open project and to get recognized visibility on what you have done and can do.
<br><br></p><p><b>People and groups</b>
<p>The first required step in order to partecipate as a member is the
<a href="">registration</a>.
You can then ask and get benefits from the services described below.
<p>Two or more community members can join to form a group by sending a request and
specifying the group name and definitions (a short description and a long one).
The two or more members are responsible of the privileges management for the group
services. Those privileges can be transmitted to registered users only.
The activities in a group can be organized indipendently and organization can be
different from openmamba general organization.
<br><a href="/people">People</a>
<br><a href="/groups">Groups</a>
<p><b>Community benefits and services</b>
<p>In order to join the community you have to choose at least one of the roles below and contribute accordingly.
You'll be free to spend how much time you may and wish. Your contributions for each role will be automatically tracked on your personal page thus
giving you recognized visibility on your abilities in the open source community.
<p>Registration is free and both technical and non-technical roles are available; in order to get benefit from
openmamba services you'll have to perform some of the tasks that will be defined by the community or yourself.
<p>You may get benefits from the openmamba community both if you help to develop and spread the openmamba GNU/Linux
distribution and if just use your personal page to host your own open source project.
<p>Community automatized registration is a work in progress. <a href="">Write us</a> if you don't want to wait for joining the community .
<p>Every openmamba community individual chooses one or more roles in the following list:
<li>supporter (donation required)
<li>referent of a sponsorizing company
<li>distribution beta-tester
<li>software scout
<li>software packager
<li>non GUI software developer
<li>GUI software developer
<li>Linux drivers developer
<li>embedded systems developer
<li>low level (kernel and hardware) software maintainer
<li>development (compiler and build tools) software maintainer
<li>middle level (system base tools and libraries) software maintainer
<li>graphical environment software maintainer (Xorg, KDE, Gnome,...)
<li>office applications maintainer
<li>multimedia applications maintainer
<li>porting distribution to new hardware platforms
<li>website developer
<li>documentation/wiki contents writer
<li>graphic designer/artist (themes, icons, website, gui styles...)
<li>public relations (help making openmamba known on the web)
<li>forum and/or mailing list moderator
<li>website maintainer
<li>head repositories maintainer
<li>distribution architecture designer
<p><b>openmamba services</b>
<p>openmamba offers the following services to its community members:
<li>community personal page on
<li>subscription to the openmamba-community mailing list
<li>a redirect e-mail address in the domain (<i>e.g.</i>)
<li>a personal development repository to create and spread your own sub-distribution
<p><b>Support the community</b>
<p>You can be part of the community without having to perform any activity. openmamba needs founding to maintain itself
and financial support is appreciated.
<p>Donations can be made via paypal by clicking on the link below:
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="Effettua i tuoi pagamenti con PayPal. un sistema rapido, gratuito e sicuro.">
<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
<!--After making the donation you'll be allowed to join the community with a <i>supporter</i> role and
according to the amount of your donation you'll get a different level:<br>
<div class="slim">
<table><tr bgcolor="#999999" cellspacing="0">
<td width="200"><b>Donation level</b></td><td width="200"><b>Amount of the donation</b></td></tr><tr>
<td>base supporter</td><td>25-49 &euro;</td></tr><tr>
<td>bronze supporter</td><td>50-99 &euro;</td></tr>
<td>silver supporter</td><td>100-199 &euro;</td></tr>
<td>gold supporter</td><td>200-399 &euro;</td></tr>
<td>platinum supporter</td><td>400-799 &euro;</td></tr>
<td>benefactor supporter</td><td>800+ &euro;</td></tr>
<p><b>Become a sponsor of openmamba</b>
<p>You may tie your company name and image to openmamba thus gaining appreciation and
visibility in the open source community.
<p>Sponsorship fee is 1500 &euro; and you will give you:
<li>a 200x40 banner on the openmamba homepage for the lenght of one year
<li>a community account with the role of <i>referent of a sponsorizing company</i>
<p>Please <a href="">write us</a> for sponsorship information.
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Comunità" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="comunità di openmamba" -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="community,developers,roles,role game,about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="GNU/Linux pronto per l'uso" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<table width="100%"><tr><td>
<tr><td valign="middle">
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/community-gr.png" alt="community"></td>
<td class="toptitle">comunità di openmamba</td>
<td><p><b>Chi siamo</b>
</p><p>La comunità (o community) di openmamba &egrave; costituita dall'insieme delle persone che contribuiscono allo
sviluppo ed alla diffusione di software Open Source attraverso i servizi del
progetto openmamba.
<br>Nata grazie a <a href="" target="_new">mambaSoft</a>, che
si occupa di farla crescere attraverso lo sviluppo di
servizi web su questo sito, l'attività della comunità
avviene attraverso le
<a href="">liste di discussione</a>
ed il <a href="">forum</a>.
Attualmente lo sviluppo è incentrato sulla distribuzione GNU/Linux openmamba.
<br>Ognuno è libero di partecipare alla comunità attraverso la partecipazione
nei canali di discussione sopracitati e può usufruire su richiesta dei servizi
disponibili descritti di seguito.
<br><br></p><p><b>Persone e gruppi</b>
<p>La partecipazione alla comunità richiede innanzitutto di effettuare la
<a href="">registrazione</a>.
Successivamente è possibile richiedere ed usufruire dei servizi descritti nei paragrafi successivi.
<p>Due o più membri della comunità possono decidere di formare un gruppo comunicando
il nome scelto e la sua definizione (una descrizione breve ed una lunga).
Le due o più persone che formano il gruppo sono responsabili della
gestione dei privilegi per l'accesso ai servizi riservati che però in ogni caso dovrà
coinvolgere persone che siano registrate sul sito. Le attività all'interno
di un gruppo possono essere organizzate secondo modalità decise dai rispettivi creatori e
in maniera anche non conforme con le modalità di organizzazione generale di openmamba.
<br><a href="/people">Persone</a>
<br><a href="/groups">Gruppi</a>
<br><br></p><p><b>Benefici della community</b>
</p><p>Per partecipare l'ideale è ricoprire uno o
più dei ruoli riportati di seguito e
contribuire di conseguenza. Sarai libero di spendere quanto tempo
desideri. Ogni membro ha a disposizione la propria pagina personale
(questo servizio è da poco attivo in via sperimentale) ed i ruoli ricoperti saranno
indicati su quest'ultima insieme alle personalizzazioni realizzate dall'utente.
</p><p>La partecipazione &egrave; libera e sono
disponibili sia ruoli tecnici che non tecnici; per beneficiare
dei servizi di openmamba occorrer&agrave; effettuare
alcune delle mansioni che saranno definite dalla
community o da te stesso. </p><p>Puoi dare e
ricevere benefici dalla community di openmamba contribuendo
a sviluppare e diffondere la distribuzione di openmamba GNU/Linux o anche
solo personalizzando la tua pagina per ospitare un tuo progetto Open Source o
rendere disponibili informazioni e notizie sull'argomento.
<p>La procedura automatizzata di iscrizione e gestione della community non è ancora disponibile.
<a href="">Scrivici</a> se non vuoi aspettare per farne parte.
</p><p>Ogni individuo della community di
openmamba può scegliere uno o pi&ugrave; ruoli dalla
seguente lista:
</p><ul> <li>sostenitore (chi effettua una <a href=""> donazione</a>) </li><li>referente
di un'azienda di sponsorizzazione </li><li>beta-tester
della distribuzione </li><li>ricercatore di nuovo software</li><li>software
packager </li><li>sviluppatore di software non GUI</li><li>sviluppatore di software GUI </li><li>sviluppatore
di driver Linux </li><li>sviluppatore di sistemi embedded </li><li>maintainer
di software a basso livello (kernel e hardware) </li><li>maintainer&nbsp;del
software di sviluppo (compilatori e strumenti)</li>
<li>maintainer di software di medio livello&nbsp;(strumenti di base e librerie di sistema) </li>
<li>maintainer dell'ambiente grafico (Xorg, KDE, Gnome,...) </li>
<li>maintainer di applicazioni per l'ufficio</li>
<li>maintainer di applicazioni multimediali</li>
<li>porting della distribuzione su nuove piattaforme hardware </li>
<li>sviluppatore del sito web </li>
<li>redattore di documentazione/contenuti wiki </li>
<li>traduttore </li>
<li>disegnatore grafico/artista (temi, icone, sito web, stili gui&nbsp;...) </li>
<li>pubbliche relazioni (aiuto per far conoscere openmamba sul web) </li>
<li>moderatore di forum e/o mailing list </li>
<li>maintainer del sito web </li>
<li>maintainer dei repository principali</li>
<li>progettista dell'architettura della distribuzione</li>
<p><b>Servizi di openmamba</b></p>
<p>openmamba offre i seguenti servizi ai membri della community:
</p><ul> <li>pagina personale su </li>
<li>iscrizione alla mailing list della community di openmamba </li>
<li>redirect ad un indirizzo e-mail nel dominio (<i>es.</i>) </li>
<li>un repository di sviluppo personale per creare e diffondere la propria sotto-distribuzione</li>
<p><b>Supporto&nbsp;alla community</b>
</p><p>Puoi fare parte a pieno titolo della comunità anche solo supportando il
progetto finanziariamente. openmamba necessita di fondi per mantenere ed incrementare
il tempo dedicato allo sviluppo di software libero ed Open Source.
</p><p>Le iscrizioni come sostenitore avvengono effettuando una <a href="/donate.html"> donazione</a>
PayPal facendo clic sul link seguente:
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="10620516">
<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="Donazione per il progetto openmamba">
<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1"></form>
<!--Dopo aver effettuato la donazione entrerai a far parte della community con il ruolo di <i>sostenitore</i>
ed il livello, che sarà riportato nella tua pagina web personale, secondo la seguente tabella:<br><br><div class="slim">
<table><tr cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#999999">
<td width="200"><b>Nome ruolo</b></td><td width="200"><b>Importo della donazione</b></td>
<td>sostenitore</td><td>25-49 &euro;</td></tr><tr>
<td>sostenitore bronzo</td><td>50-99 &euro;</td></tr>
<tr><td>sostenitore argento</td><td>100-199 &euro;</td></tr>
<tr><td>sostenitore oro</td><td>200-399 &euro;</td></tr>
<tr><td>sostenitore platino</td><td>400-799 &euro;</td></tr>
<tr><td>sostenitore benemerito</td><td>800+ &euro;</td></tr>
<p><b>Sponsorizza openmamba</b>
</p><p>Puoi legare il nome della tua società ad openmamba
ottenendo apprezzamento e visibilità nel web ed all'interno della comunità Open Source.
</p><p>La sponsorizzazione è stata pensata per far fronte alla necessità di coprire i
costi di mantenimento della distribuzione (hosting, dominio, hardware) che sono
attualmente sostenuti da mambaSoft.
La sponsorizzazione ha durata annuale e prevede l'inserimento di un banner
sulla homepage del sito di openmamba.
<p><a href="">Scrivici</a> se desideri avere maggiori informazioni.
<p><a href="">mambaSoft di Silvan Calarco</a> si impegna a rispettare la privacy
di tutti i partecipanti alla comunità, secondo i termini di legge. Per maggiori informazioni si legga
<a href="/privacy.html">l'informativa sulla privacy.</a>
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
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<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="privacy.${lang}.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Condizioni di servizio e informativa sulla privacy" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Condizioni d'uso e informativa sulla privacy per l'utilizzo dei servizi di openmamba." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="about,faq,contact,information,privacy" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<table width="100%"><tr><td>
<tr><td valign="middle">
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/community-gr.png"></td>
<td class="toptitle">condizioni di servizio ed informativa sulla privacy</td>
<font size=-1>
<br>(versione 1.0 del 22 maggio 2007)
<p>In questa pagina si descrivono le modalità di trattamento dei dati personali degli utenti che si registrano ad uno o più servizi
disponibili su La presente informativa è resa anche ai sensi dell’art. 13 del decreto legislativo n. 196/2003, Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali.
<p>L'accettazione delle condizioni di fornitura del servizio è un requisito necessario per la registrazione, <b>si prega quindi di leggere attentamente il presente documento prima di completare la registrazione</b>.
<p><b>Dati personali</b>
<li>per poter accedere ai servizi di openmamba occorre creare un account. Per questo fine vengono richiesti dei dati personali che permettono al titolare del trattamento di identificare e contattare l'utente;
<li>il titolare del trattamento dei dati personali, relativi a persone che forniscono i propri dati sul sito, è <i>mambaSoft di Silvan Calarco</i> presso la sede legale di Via Barletta 90, 10136 Torino;
<li>i dati personali degli utenti saranno elaborati e conservati in uno o più database siti sui computer di proprietà di <i>mambaSoft di Silvan Calarco</i> o su altri computer utilizzati per il fine di fornire i servizi richiesti su
<li>attivando il <i>servizio di redirezione e/o mailbox</i> le mail in arrivo saranno processate automaticamente sui computer di mambaSoft per il solo scopo di recapitarle al destinatario;
<li>attivando il <i>servizio di pubblicazione della pagina personale</i> si accetta che le informazioni generiche dell'utente (alias e informazioni specifiche ai propri ruoli nel progetto openmamba) compaiano in pagine realizzate automaticamente; non saranno rese disponibili pubblicamente indirizzi email e dati anagrafici personali;
<li>attivando il <i>servizio di repository personale</i> si accetta che i file che vengono inviati nel repository siano resi disponibili pubblicamente, ivi comprese le informazioni personali che l'utente stesso ha inserito nei pacchetti (ad esempio nome ed email del packager);
<li>mambaSoft può usare i dati personali ai fini di controllo, ricerca ed analisi per gestire e migliorare i servizi offerti;
<li>mambaSoft si impegna a non cedere a terze parti i dati personali degli utenti per fini diversi dalla fornitura dei servizi forniti su, salvo che la comunicazione sia imposta da obblighi di legge o sia strettamente necessario per l'adempimento delle richieste.
<p><b>Restrizioni e netiquette</b>
<li>è vietato rendere a disposizione sul sito e sulle mailing list collegate materiale illegale, protetto da copyright o comunque non compatibile con le leggi in vigore;
<li>è vietato fornire informazioni anagrafiche e contatti che non corrispondono alla realtà;
<li>è vietato avere comportamenti che non sono conformi allo spirito collaborativo e di community, danneggiando o limitando l'accessibilità ai servizi di altri utenti con atteggiamenti o contenuti che non compatibili con i servizi offerti su o nelle mailing list collegate;
<li>mambaSoft si riserva il diritto di sospendere l'account dell'utente e di rimuovere il materiale ritenuto inopportuno che viene depositato sui propri server in caso di violazione di una qualunque delle clausole espresse in questo documento.
<li>i soggetti cui si riferiscono i dati hanno i diritti previsti dall'<a href="">art. 7 del Codice privacy</a> che prevede, tra gli altri il diritto di conoscere la presenza dei suoi dati e di ottenere la cancellazione, la rettifica, l'aggiornamento dei dati stessi rivolgendosi al Titolare del trattamento in persona del titolare di <i>mambaSoft</i> che può essere contattato attraverso il sito
<div align="center"><a href="javascript:self.close();"><b>Chiudi</b></a></div>
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<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="registration.${lang}.html" -->
This diff is collapsed.
<!--#set var="title" value="Get openmamba" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="openmamba GNU/Linux distribution download page." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%"><tr><td>
<tr><td valign="middle">
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/artwork-54x54-gr.png" alt="get openmamba"></td>
<td class="toptitle">artworks</td>
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /lang=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif -->
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<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="artworks.${lang}.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Creazioni artistiche per openmamba" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Pagina delle creazioni artistiche realizzate per openmamba." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="arte,artisti,artwork" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%"><tr><td>
<tr><td valign="middle">
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/artwork-54x54-gr.png" alt="creazioni artistiche"></td>
<td class="toptitle">creazioni artistiche</td>
<br><p><b>open<font color="green">mamba</font></b> è un sistema multimediale basato su interfaccia grafica
il cui sviluppo tecnico procede in parallelo con la realizzazione di creazioni artistiche quali ad esempio:
<li>temi del desktop
<li>immagini per il bootsplash
<li>copertine per i supporti
<li>contributi audio per i suoni di sistema
<lI>musica e video sul tema di openmamba
<p>&Egrave; possibile inviare i propri contributi partecipando alla <a href="/community">community</a> oppure
contattando gli sviluppatori attraverso le <a href="/distribution">liste di discussione</a>.<br>
<div class="info"><table width="700"><tr><td>
<p><b><font size=+1>copertine per openmamba livecd</b></font>
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Development area" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="A fully automatized page with real time information on the status of the distribution development." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="distromatic" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="GNU/Linux distribution" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
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<tr><td colspan=2>
<table align="center"><tr>
<td width=800 class="toptitle"><img src="/images/packages_gr.png" alt="packages">
openmamba development channels</td>
</td><td><!--#include virtual="/" --></td>
Mainly by creating or updating software packages in RPM binary format starting from source code.
The packages are made available in folders called repositories or channels. <a href="">Read more...</a>.
Packages creation is made simpler and standard by using the <a href="">
autospec</a> tool. Some practice is recommended by following the instructions in the wiki page.
You need to save the repository APT file in the <i>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/</i> directory.
Starting from milestone2 repositories can be enabled using Smart Package Manager channels configuration.
</td><td><script src=""></script>
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<tr><td colspan=2>
<br>This page contains information automatically generated by the
<a href="">distromatic</a> tool in order to ease distribution development and maintainance.<br><br>
<li>the <a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel">devel</a> trunk repository contains the whole main distribution.
<table class="distromatic" cellpadding="5"><tr valign="top"><td>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="pagebar" align="center">
<a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel">devel</a> repository:<br>
<tr><td valign="top">
<table class="distromatic" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border:0;"><tr>
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="0" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel/" -->
<td class="distromatic">
<!-- devel oldest block --><td class="distromatic" valign="top"><!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="31" --><!--#include virtual="/scripts/" --></td>
<td class="distromatic" valign="top"><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width=0 height=14>Oldest packages:<br>
<div id="divScrollTextCont31"><div id="divText31"><!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel/" --></div></div>
</td><td class="distromatic">
<!-- devel popular block --><td class="distromatic" valign="top"><!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="32" --><!--#include virtual="/scripts/" --></td>
<td class="distromatic" valign="top"><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width=0 height=14>Latest upstream releases [<a href="/showfile.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel/autoupdate/upstream-updates.missing">TODO</a>]
(sources: <a href="" target="_new">1</a>, <a href="" target="_new">2</a>):
<div id="divScrollTextCont32"><div id="divText32"><!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel/_popular.html" --></div></div>
<tr><td class="pagebar">
&nbsp;<a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel">Index</a> |
<a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel&changelog">ChangeLog</a> |
<a href="/pub/openmamba/devel">Browse</a> |
<a href="/showfile.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel/distromatic.log">Check</a> |
<a href="/showfile.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel/operations.log.html">Log</a> |
<a href="/showfile.html?file=/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel/virtual-i586">Config</a> |
<a href="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel/" target="_view">SMART</a>
<p>See the <a href="" target="_view">openmamba resources database</a> for a list of system reserved uid and gid's.
<br>See the <a href="" target="_view">groups database</a> for the list of groups to use for RPM packages classification.
<br>See the <a href="" target="_view">licenses database</a> for a list of approved licence for Open Source software in openmamba.
<tr><td colspan=2>
<li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel-games">devel-games</a> is a branch of the devel repository containing big games;
<li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel-embedded">devel-embedded</a> is an auxiliary repository containing software for embedded systems.
<table class="distromatic" cellpadding="5"><tr valign="top"><td>
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="11" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-games" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-games/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="10" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-embedded" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-embedded/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
</td><td width=100%>
<tr><td colspan=2>
<li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel-kernel">devel-kernel</a> is an experimental repository containing the latest Linux kernel release;
<li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel-xorg">devel-xorg</a> is an experimental repository containing the latest graphical server release;
<li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel-kde4">devel-kde4</a> is an experimental repository containing the latest KDE 4 release.
<table class="distromatic" cellpadding="5"><tr valign="top"><td>
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="25" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-kernel" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-kernel/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="26" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-xorg" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-xorg/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="1" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-kde4" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-kde4/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="34" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-gnome" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-gnome/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="28" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-java" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-java/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<tr><td colspan=2>
<li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel-makedist">devel-makedist</a> is an auxiliary repository used by our makedist tool to build livecd and flash-1GB distributions;
<li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel-autodist">devel-autodist</a> is an auxiliary repository that contains packages automatically built by autodist;
<br>Automatic builds log: <a href="">latest</a>,
<a href="">current</a>
<br>Patch applied to spec files: <a href="">update</a>,
<a href="">build</a>,
<a href="">new</a>
<br>Automatic ports log: <a href="">latest</a>,
<a href="">current</a>
<li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel-distservers">devel-distservers</a> is a repository that contains packages used by openmamba distribution management servers.
<table class="distromatic" cellpadding="5"><tr valign="top"><td>
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="9" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-makedist" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-makedist/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="12" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-autodist" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-autodist/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
</td><td><!-- devel-autodist popular block -->
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="33" -->
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td colspan=2 class="pagebar" width="250" align="center">
<a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=<!--#echo var="repname" -->"><!--#echo var="repname" --></a> repository:
<!-- distromatic block -->
<td class="distromatic" width="10" valign="top"><!--#include virtual="/scripts/" --></td>
<td class="distromatic" width="250" valign="top"><a href="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/<!--#echo var="repname" -->/recent.rss"><img src="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/feed-icon.png" alt="RSS 2.0 news feed"></a>
<!--#if expr="${lang} = it" -->Ultime versioni disponibili:<!--#else -->Latest available releases:<!--#endif -->
<div id="divScrollTextCont<!--#echo var="scrollcurr"-->"><div id="divText<!--#echo var="scrollcurr"-->">
<!-- end distromatic block -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-autodist/_popular.html" -->
<tr><td colspan=2 class="pagebar">
&nbsp;<a href="/showfile.html?file=/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-autodist/_popular.html">SHOW ALL</a> |
<a href="/showfile.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel-autodist/autoupdate/upstream-updates.missing">TODO</a>
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="24" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-future" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-future/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="14" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-distservers" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-distservers/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<tr><td colspan=2>
<p>Two or more openmamba developers can join to form a group for openmamba and open source
<p><b>BEWARE:</b> the content of there repositories is responsibiliy of the group owners.
<b>Packages installed from there repositories may not work, produce unwanted modifications
to your system and damage it. Use is recommended on test installations only and is at your own risk.</b>
<!--#include virtual="/groups/" -->
<tr><td colspan=2>
<li>an openmamba developer can have its own personal repository; here go candidate packages for the devel-contrib repository
as well as modifications to make a customized distribution;
<li>in order to add a repository to your system copy the APT file to the <i>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/</i> directory.
<p><b>BEWARE:</b> the content of there repositories is responsibiliy of their owners.
<b>Packages installed from there repositories may not work, produce unwanted modifications
to your system and damage it. Use is recommended on test installations only and is at your own risk.</b>
<!--#include virtual="/people/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
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<!--#set var="description" value="Una pagina automatizzata con informazioni in tempo reale sullo stato di sviluppo della distribuzione openmamba." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="distromatic" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="Distribuzione GNU/Linux" -->
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<tr><td colspan=2>
<table align="center"><tr>
<td width=700 class="toptitle"><img src="/images/packages_gr.png" alt="packages">
Canali di sviluppo di openmamba</td>
</td><td align=right><!--#include virtual="/" --></td>
Principalmente attraverso la realizzazione o l'aggiornamento di pacchetti software in formato RPM binario
realizzati a partire dal codice sorgente. Questi pacchetti vengono poi resi disponibili
in apposite cartelle chiamate repository o canali. <a href="">Leggi di più...</a>.
La generazione di pacchetti viene semplificata e standardizzata attraverso l'uso di <a href="">
autospec</a>. Si consiglia di fare un pò di pratica seguendo le istruzioni nella pagina del wiki.
Per aggiungere un canale (o repository) al proprio sistema occorre salvare il corrispondente file APT nella directory <i>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/</i>.
A partire dalla versione milestone2 i repository di sviluppo vengono attivati utilizzando la configurazione dei canali del software Smart Package Manager.
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<tr><td colspan=2>
<br>Questa pagina contiene informazioni generate automaticamente dal tool
<a href="">distromatic</a> per agevolare il compito di mantenimento dei repository della distribuzione.<br><br>
<li>il repository <a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel">devel</a> contiene l'intera distribuzione principale.
<table class="distromatic" cellpadding="5"><tr valign="top"><td>
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="pagebar" align="center">
repository <a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel">devel</a>:<br>
<tr><td valign="top">
<table class="distromatic" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border:0;"><tr>
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="0" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel/" -->
<td class="distromatic">
<!-- devel oldest block --><td class="distromatic" valign="top"><!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="31" --><!--#include virtual="/scripts/" --></td>
<td class="distromatic" valign="top"><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width=0 height=14>Pacchetti più vecchi:<br>
<div id="divScrollTextCont31"><div id="divText31"><!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel/" --></div></div>
</td><td class="distromatic">
<!-- devel popular block --><td class="distromatic" valign="top"><!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="32" --><!--#include virtual="/scripts/" --></td>
<td class="distromatic" valign="top"><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width=0 height=14>Ultime versioni disponibili [<a href="/showfile.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel/autoupdate/upstream-updates.missing">DA FARE</a>]
(fonti: <a href="" target="_new">1</a>, <a href="" target="_new">2</a>):
<div id="divScrollTextCont32"><div id="divText32"><!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel/_popular.html" --></div></div>
<tr><td class="pagebar">
&nbsp;<a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel">Indice</a> |
<a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel&changelog">ChangeLog</a> |
<a href="/pub/openmamba/devel">Esplora</a> |
<a href="/showfile.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel/distromatic.log">Controllo</a> |
<a href="/showfile.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel/operations.log.html">Registro</a> |
<a href="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel/" target="_view">SMART</a>
<p>Il <a href="" target="_view">database delle risorse di openmamba</a> contiene l'elenco degli uid e gid univoci utilizzati dai servizi di sistema.
<br>Il <a href="" target="_view">database di gruppi</a> contiene l'elenco dei gruppi da utilizzare per classificare i software durante la pacchettizzazione RPM.
<br>Il <a href="" target="_view">database delle licenze</a> contiene l'elenco delle licenze che sono state approvate per l'inserimento in openmamba come software Open Source.
<tr><td colspan=2>
<li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel-games">devel-games</a> è un ramo del repository devel contenente giochi di grosse dimensioni;
<li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel-embedded">devel-embedded</a> è un repository ausiliario contenente pacchetti destinati all'uso per sistemi embedded.
<table class="distromatic" cellpadding="5"><tr valign="top"><td>
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="11" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-games" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-games/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="10" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-embedded" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-embedded/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
</td><td width=100%>
<tr><td colspan=2>
<li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel-kernel">devel-kernel</a> è un repository sperimentale contenente l'ultima versione del kernel Linux;
<li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel-xorg">devel-xorg</a> è un repository sperimentale contenente l'ultima versione del server grafico;
<li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel-kde4">devel-kde4</a> è un repository sperimentale contenente l'ultima versione di KDE 4.
<table class="distromatic" cellpadding="5"><tr valign="top"><td>
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="25" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-kernel" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-kernel/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="26" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-xorg" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-xorg/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="1" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-kde4" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-kde4/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="34" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-gnome" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-gnome/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="28" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-java" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-java/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<tr><td colspan=2>
<li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel-makedist">devel-makedist</a> è un repository sperimentale usato dal tool makedist per creare i supporti live e per l'installazione;
<li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel-autodist">devel-autodist</a> è un repository sperimentale e inconsistente che contiene pacchetti generati automaticamente da autodist;
<br>Log dei build automatici: <a href="">ultimo</a>,
<a href="">corrente</a>
<br>Patch applicate agli specfile: <a href="">update</a>;
<a href="">build</a>,
<a href="">new</a>
<br>Log dei port automatici: <a href="">ultimo</a>,
<a href="">corrente</a>
<li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel-future">devel-future</a> è un repository ausiliario ed inconsistente che contiene software che non è ancora pronto per essere distribuito;
<li><a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=devel-distservers">devel-distservers</a> è un repository che contiene pacchetti utilizzati dai server di mantenimento della distribuzione.
<table class="distromatic" cellpadding="5"><tr valign="top"><td>
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="9" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-makedist" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-makedist/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="12" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-autodist" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-autodist/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
</td><td><!-- devel-autodist popular block -->
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="33" -->
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td colspan=2 class="pagebar" width="250" align="center">
<a href="/distribution/distromatic.html?tag=<!--#echo var="repname" -->"><!--#echo var="repname" --></a> repository:
<!-- distromatic block -->
<td class="distromatic" width="10" valign="top"><!--#include virtual="/scripts/" --></td>
<td class="distromatic" width="250" valign="top"><a href="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/<!--#echo var="repname" -->/recent.rss"><img src="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/feed-icon.png" alt="RSS 2.0 news feed"></a>
<!--#if expr="${lang} = it" -->Ultime versioni disponibili:<!--#else -->Latest available releases:<!--#endif -->
<div id="divScrollTextCont<!--#echo var="scrollcurr"-->"><div id="divText<!--#echo var="scrollcurr"-->">
<!-- end distromatic block -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-autodist/_popular.html" -->
<tr><td colspan=2 class="pagebar">
&nbsp;<a href="/showfile.html?file=/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-autodist/_popular.html">MOSTRA TUTTO</a> |
<a href="/showfile.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel-autodist/autoupdate/upstream-updates.missing">DA FARE</a>
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="27" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-future" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-future/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#set var="scrollcurr" value="14" -->
<!--#set var="repname" value="devel-distservers" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel-distservers/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<tr><td colspan=2>
<p>Due o più sviluppatori di openmamba possono unirsi per formare un <a href="/groups">gruppo</a> finalizzato allo
sviluppo di openmamba e di software open source.
<p><b>ATTENZIONE:</b> il contenuto dei repository dei gruppi è responsabilità dei rispettivi proprietari.
<b>I pacchetti installati da questi repository potrebbero non funzionare, produrre modifiche indesiderate
al tuo sistema e anche danneggiarlo. L'uso è raccomandato solo su installazioni di test ed a proprio rischio.</b>
<!--#include virtual="/groups/" -->
<tr><td colspan=2>
<p>Ogni <a href="/people">sviluppatore</a> può avere un proprio repository personale in cui inviare pacchetti candidati per la base di openmamba (repository devel)
oppure modifiche personali per le proprie esigenze.
<p><b>ATTENZIONE:</b> il contenuto dei repository personali è responsabilità dei rispettivi proprietari.
<b>I pacchetti installati da questi repository potrebbero non funzionare, produrre modifiche indesiderate
al tuo sistema e anche danneggiarlo. L'uso è raccomandato solo su installazioni di test ed a proprio rischio.</b>
<!--#include virtual="/people/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /tag=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="tag" value="$1" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /arch=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="arch" value="$1" -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/_index-${arch}.inc" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="List of all packages in the $tag repository for ${arch} architecture" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="List of all packages in the $tag repository for ${arch} architecture" -->
<!--#else -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="List of all packages in the $tag repository" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="List of all RPM packages in the openmamba $tag repository" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /pkg=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="pkg" value="$1" -->
<!--#if expr="$pkg != _index" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /pkg=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="pkgname" value="$1" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /pkg=[a-zA-Z0-9\-+_]+\\.([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="pkgtype" value="$1" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/packages/${pkg}.inc" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="$pkgname $pkgtype RPM package information ($tag repository)" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="openmamba $tag repository: $pkg RPM package information and download" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /maintainer=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.:]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="maintainer" value="$1" -->
<!--#if expr="$maintainer = _index" -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="List of all maintainers in the $tag repository" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="List of all maintainers in the $tag repository" -->
<!--#else -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/maintainers/${maintainer}.inc" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Packages maintained by ${maintainer} in the $tag repository" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Packages maintained by ${maintainer} in the $tag repository" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /group=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.:]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="group" value="$1" -->
<!--#if expr="$group = _index" -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="List of all groups for the $tag repository" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="List of all groups for the $tag repository" -->
<!--#else -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/groups/${group}/" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Packages of $group group in the $tag repository" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Packages of $group group in the $tag repository" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /changelog/" -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Changelog for the $tag repository" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="List of all changes in the $tag repository" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#else -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Index of all available repositories" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Index of all available repositories" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<table width="100%"><tr><td>
<!--#if expr="$tag != ''" -->
[<a href="?">repositories</a>]
<b><!--#echo var=tag --></b>:
<!--#if expr="$group != _index" -->
[<a href="?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;group=_index">groups</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$pkg != '_index'" -->
[<a href="?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;pkg=_index">packages</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$maintainer != _index" -->
[<a href="?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;maintainer=_index">maintainers</a>]
<!--#endif -->
[<a href="?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;changelog">changelog</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<table border=0><tr>
<td valign=top width="780">
<!--#include virtual=${includefile} -->
<td valign=top width=140>
<div class="contentmenu" style="text-align:center"><b>Products for openmamba</b> (commercial advertisment):</div>
<!--#include virtual="/verticalbanner.html" -->
<br><font size=-1>
<!--#if expr="$tag != ''" -->
[<a href="?">repositories</a>]
<!--#if expr="$group != _index" -->
<b><!--#echo var=tag --></b>:
[<a href="?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;group=_index">groups</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$pkg != '_index'" -->
[<a href="?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;pkg=_index">packages</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$maintainer != _index" -->
[<a href="?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;maintainer=_index">maintainers</a>]
<!--#endif -->
[<a href="?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;changelog">changelog</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<br>Automatically generated by <a href="?tag=devel&pkg=distromatic">distromatic</a>.
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /lang=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr=$lang --><!--#else --><!--#if expr="$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = /([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="distromatic.${lang}.html" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /tag=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="tag" value="$1" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /arch=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="arch" value="$1" -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/_index-${arch}.inc" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Elenco di tutti i pacchetti nel repository $tag per l'architettura ${arch}" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Elenco di tutti i pacchetti nel repository $tag di openmamba per l'architettura ${arch}" -->
<!--#else -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Elenco di tutti i pacchetti nel repository $tag" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Elenco di tutti i pacchetti nel repository $tag di openmamba" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /pkg=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="pkg" value="$1" -->
<!--#if expr="$pkg != _index" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /pkg=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="pkgname" value="$1" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /pkg=[a-zA-Z0-9\-+_]+\\.([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="pkgtype" value="$1" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/packages/${pkg}.inc" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Informazioni sul pacchetto RPM $pkgname($pkgtype) nel repository $tag" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="repository $tag di openmamba: informazioni e download del pacchetto RPM $pkg" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /maintainer=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.:]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="maintainer" value="$1" -->
<!--#if expr="$maintainer = _index" -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Elenco dei manutentori nel repository $tag" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Elenco di tutti i manutentori del repository $tag" -->
<!--#else -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/maintainers/${maintainer}.inc" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Pacchetti mantenuti da ${maintainer} nel repository $tag" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Pacchetti mantenuti da ${maintainer} nel repository $tag" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /group=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.:]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="group" value="$1" -->
<!--#if expr="$group = _index" -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Elenco di tutti i gruppi nel repository $tag" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Elenco di tutti i gruppi nel repository $tag" -->
<!--#else -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/groups/${group}/" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Pacchetti del gruppo $group nel repository $tag" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Pacchetti del gruppo $group nel repository $tag" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /changelog/" -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/${tag}/" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Registro delle modifiche per il repository $tag" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Registro delle modifiche per il repository $tag" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#else -->
<!--#set var="includefile" value="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Indice dei repository disponibili" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Indice dei repository disponibili" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<table width="100%"><tr><td>
<!--#if expr="$tag != ''" -->
[<a href="?">repository</a>]
<b><!--#echo var=tag --></b>:
<!--#if expr="$group != _index" -->
[<a href="?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;group=_index">gruppi</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$pkg != '_index'" -->
[<a href="?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;pkg=_index">pacchetti</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$maintainer != _index" -->
[<a href="?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;maintainer=_index">manutentori</a>]
<!--#endif -->
[<a href="?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;changelog">modifiche</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<table border=0><tr>
<td valign=top width="780">
<!--#include virtual=${includefile} -->
<td valign=top width=140>
<div class="contentmenu" style="text-align:center"><b>Prodotti per openmamba</b> (annunci commerciali):</div>
<!--#include virtual="/verticalbanner.html" -->
<br><font size=-1>
<!--#if expr="$tag != ''" -->
[<a href="?">repository</a>]
<!--#if expr="$group != _index" -->
<b><!--#echo var=tag --></b>:
[<a href="?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;group=_index">gruppi</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$pkg != '_index'" -->
[<a href="?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;pkg=_index">pacchetti</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="$maintainer != _index" -->
[<a href="?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;maintainer=_index">manutentori</a>]
<!--#endif -->
[<a href="?tag=<!--#echo var=tag -->&amp;changelog">modifiche</a>]
<!--#endif -->
<br>Generato automaticamente da <a href="?tag=devel&pkg=distromatic">distromatic</a>.
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Get openmamba" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="openmamba GNU/Linux distribution download page." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="GNU/Linux distribution" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%"><tr><td>
<tr><td valign="middle">
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/download.png" alt="get openmamba"></td>
<td class="toptitle">get openmamba</td>
<p><b><font color="green">open</font>mamba</b> is available for CD/DVD,pen drives and other storage media.
<p>All live versions provide a tool for installing openmamba on a fixed disk.
Please, see the <a href="/distribution/install.html">installation</a> page for more information.
<p><b>Note:</b> openmamba media are automatically generated as weekly snapshots of the
<a href="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/index.html?tag=devel">devel</a> repository.
In case of problems with the latest release it is possible to download
a previous one using the "Other releases" link. Reports of the problem to the
development <a href="/community">community</a> are welcome.
<table width="700" class="info"><tr><td>
<h2>openmamba livecd</h2>
<p>A live version of the openmamba GNU/Linux system that can be immediately used without installation.
<p><b>You can use it to install the system on hard disk.</b>
<p>Stable release:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/livecd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/livecd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/livecd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/livecd/" -->
<p>Weekly snapshot:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/livecd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/livecd/" -->
<table width=700 class="info"><tr><td>
<h2>openmamba livedvd</h2>
<p>A live version of the openmamba GNU/Linux system with an archive of all packages needed for a full system installation.
<p><b>It can be used for a fast installation of openmamba on
a fixed disk even when an internet connection is not available.</b>
<!--<p>Stable release:
<!-- #include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/livedvd/" -- >
<!-- #include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/livedvd/" -- >-->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/livedvd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/livedvd/" -->
<p>Weekly snapshot:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/livedvd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/livedvd/" -->
<table width="700" class="info"><tr><td>
<h2>openmamba livestudio</h2>
<p>A live version of the openmamba GNU/Linux system that provides a collection of
programs for creative productivity and can be immediately used without installation.
<p><b>You can use it to install the system on hard disk.</b>
<p>Stable release:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/livestudio/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/livestudio/" -->
<table width="700" class="info"><tr><td>
<h2>openmamba livegames</h2>
<p>A live version of the openmamba GNU/Linux system that provides a collection of games and can be immediately used without installation.
<p><b>You can use it to install the system on hard disk.</b>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/livegames/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/livegames/" -->
<p>Weekly snapshot:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/livegames/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/livegames/" -->
<table width="700" class="info"><tr><td>
<h2>openmamba bootusb</h2>
<p>Can be used to start an openmamba ISO image from a USB storage flash device allowing live system execution and
installation on computers that don't have a CD/DVD-ROM reader.
<p>Stable release:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/bootusb/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/bootusb/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/bootusb/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/bootusb/" -->
<p>Weekly snapshot:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootusb/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootusb/" -->
<table width="700" class="info"><tr><td>
<h2>openmamba flash-1GB</h2>
<p>A live version of the openmamba GNU/Linux system that can be easily installed on a
flash storage device and run on any computer that can boot from such USB devices.
<p>Weekly snapshot:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/flash-1GB/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/flash-1GB/" -->
<table width="700" class="info"><tr><td>
<h2>openmamba bootcd</h2>
<p>A bootable CD that can be used to boot openmamba flash-1GB on any PC.
<p>Weekly snapshot:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootcd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootcd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /lang=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif -->
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<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="download.${lang}.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Scarica openmamba" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Pagina di download dei supporti del sistema GNU/Linux openmamba." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="Distribuzione GNU/Linux" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%"><tr><td>
<tr><td valign="middle">
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/download.png" alt="scarica openmamba"></td>
<td class="toptitle">scarica openmamba</td>
<p><b><font color="green">open</font>mamba</b> è disponibile per supporti CD/DVD, chiavette USB e altri dispositivi di memorizzazione.
<p>Tutte le versioni live includono il programma per l'installazione del sistema su disco fisso.
Per maggiori informazioni a riguardo si veda la pagina di <a href="/distribution/install.html">installazione</a>.
<p>Nota: i supporti di openmamba vengono generati automaticamente come fotografie (snapshots) settimanali
del repository <a href="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/index.html?tag=devel">devel</a>.
In caso di problemi con le ultime versioni è possibile scaricare le
precedenti utilizzando il link "Altre versioni". Inoltre si consiglia di effettuare una
segnalazione del problema alla <a href="/community">community</a> di sviluppo.
<table width="700" class="info"><tr><td>
<h2>openmamba livecd</h2>
<p>Una versione live del sistema GNU/Linux openmamba utilizzabile immediatamente senza installazione.
<p><b>Può essere usato per l'installazione del sistema openmamba su disco fisso.</b>
<p>Versione stabile:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/livecd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/livecd/" -->
<p>Versione pre-release:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/livecd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/livecd/" -->
<p>Snapshot settimanale:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/livecd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/livecd/" -->
<table width=700 class="info"><tr><td>
<h2>openmamba livedvd</h2>
<p>Una versione live del sistema GNU/Linux openmamba utilizzabile immediatamente senza installazione.
<p><b>Può essere usato per l'installazione del sistema openmamba su disco fisso in modo rapido ed anche se
non è disponibile una connessione ad internet.</b>
<!--<p>Versione stabile:
< !--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/livedvd/" -- >
< !--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/livedvd/" -->
<p>Versione pre-release:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/livedvd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/livedvd/" -->
<p>Snapshot settimanale:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/livedvd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/livedvd/" -->
<table width="700" class="info"><tr><td>
<h2>openmamba livestudio</h2>
<p>Una versione live del sistema GNU/Linux openmamba che contiene una raccolta di programmi
per la produttività creativa ed è utilizzabile immediatamente senza installazione.
<p><b>Può essere usato per l'installazione del sistema openmamba su disco fisso.</b>
<p>Versione stabile:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/livestudio/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/livestudio/" -->
<table width="700" class="info"><tr><td>
<h2>openmamba livegames</h2>
<p>Una versione live del sistema GNU/Linux openmamba che contiene una raccolta di giochi ed è utilizzabile immediatamente senza installazione.
<p><b>Può essere usato per l'installazione del sistema openmamba su disco fisso.</b>
<p>Versione pre-release:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/livegames/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/livegames/" -->
<p>Snapshot settimanale:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/livegames/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/livegames/" -->
<table width="700" class="info"><tr><td>
<h2>openmamba bootusb</h2>
<p>Permette di avviare un'immagine ISO di openmamba da un supporto storage Flash USB consentendo l'avvio live
e l'installazione di openmamba su computer che non dispongono di lettore CD/DVD-ROM.
<p>Versione stabile:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/bootusb/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/bootusb/" -->
<p>Versione pre-release:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/bootusb/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/bootusb/" -->
<p>Snapshot settimanale:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootusb/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootusb/" -->
<table width="700" class="info"><tr><td>
<h2>openmamba flash-1GB</h2>
<p>Una versione live del sistema GNU/Linux openmamba che può essere facilmente
installato su un dispositivo storage flash ed eseguito su un computer in grado di effettuare l'avvio da questo tipo di dispositivi.
<p>Snapshot settimanale:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/flash-1GB/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/flash-1GB/" -->
<table width="700" class="info"><tr><td>
<h2>openmamba bootcd</h2>
<p>Un CD avviabile che permette di utilizzare openmamba Flash-1GB su qualunque PC.
<p>Snapshot settimanale:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootcd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootcd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Distribuzione GNU/Linux" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="La distribuzione GNU/Linux openmamba." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="distro,distribuzione,open,mamba,installazione,scaricamento,download,sviluppo" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="GNU/Linux pronto per l'uso" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#set var="anim_num" value="18" -->
<!--#set var="anim_path" value="/images/anim1/a" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%"><tr><td>
<tr><td valign="middle">
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/distribution-openmamba-64x64-gr.jpg" alt="distribuzione GNU/Linux openmamba"></td>
<td class="toptitle">Distribuzione GNU/Linux</td>
<p>La distribuzione GNU/Linux <b><font color=green>open</font>mamba</b> è un sistema Open Source con le seguenti
<li>supporta piattaforme PC (Intel i686 e compatibili)
<li>è utilizzabile su computer portatili, desktop e server
<li>è stabile, affidabile, veloce e facile da usare
<li>supporta applicazioni multimediali, per l'ufficio, giochi e molto altro
<li>può essere scaricato, installato ed usato gratuitamente e liberamente
<li>ognuno può contribuire allo sviluppo entrando a far parte della <a href="">community openmamba</a>.
<table align="center" class="iconmenu"><tr><td align="center">
<a href="/info.html" title="informazioni su openmamba"><img src="/images/info_gr.png" with="54" alt="informazioni su openmamba"></a>
</td><td width=100></td><td align="center">
<a href="download.html" title="scarica openmamba"><img src="/images/download.png" with="54" alt="scarica openmamba"></a>
</td><td width=100></td><td align="center">
<a href="install.html" title="installa openmamba"><img src="/images/media_gr.png" alt="installazione"></a>
</td><td width=100></td><td align="center">
<a href="milestone1.html" title="pacchetti software di openmamba"><img src="/images/system_gr.png" alt="usa"></a>
</td><td width=100></td><td align="center">
<a href="" title="Segnala e risolvi le anomalie (bugs) di openmamba"><img src="/images/bugs-54x54_gr.png" alt="bug tracking"></a>
</td><td width=100></td><td align="center">
<a href="development.html" title="Sviluppa openmamba"><img src="/images/packages_gr.png" alt="sviluppo"></a>
<tr><td align="center">
<a href="/info.html">leggi</a>
</td><td></td><td align="center">
<a href="download.html">scarica</a>
</td><td></td><td align="center">
<a href="install.html">installa</a>
</td><td></td><td align="center">
<a href="milestone1.html">usa</a>
</td><td></td><td align="center">
<a href="">aggiusta</a>
</td><td></td><td align="center">
<a href="development.html">sviluppa</a>
Per entrare in contatto con gli altri sviluppatori sono disponibili i seguenti canali:
<li><a href="">forum (via web)</a>
<li><a href="/lists">liste di discussione (via e-mail)</a>
<li><a href="">sito di bug tracking</a>
<div class="header" align=right>
<img align="right" src="/images/anim1/a1.jpg" name="anim_img" width="400" height="300">
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="GNU/Linux distribution" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="The openmamba GNU/Linux distribution." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="distro,distribution,open,mamba,about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="Ready to use GNU/Linux" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#set var="anim_num" value="18" -->
<!--#set var="anim_path" value="/images/anim1/a" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%"><tr><td>
<tr><td valign="middle">
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/distribution-openmamba-64x64-gr.jpg" alt="openmamba GNU/Linux distribution"></td>
<td class="toptitle">GNU/Linux distribution</td>
<div class="header">
<img style="margin:10px;" align="right" src="/images/anim1/a1.jpg" name="anim_img" width="400" height="300">
<p>The <b><font color=green>open</font>mamba</b> GNU/Linux distribution is an Open Source GNU/Linux system with the following features:
<li>PC (Intel i686 and compatible) platforms currently supported
<li>it is suitable for notebooks, desktop and servers
<li>it is stable, reliable, fast and easy to use
<li>has support for multimedia, office, gaming and much more
<li>it can be downloaded, installed and used for free
<li>anybody can contribute to the development by joining the <a href="">openmamba community</a>.
<table align="center" class="iconmenu"><tr><td align="center">
<a href="/info.html" title="information on openmamba"><img src="/images/info_gr.png" with="54" alt="information su openmamba"></a>
</td><td width=100></td><td align="center">
<a href="download.html" title="get openmamba"><img src="/images/download.png" with="54" alt="get openmamba"></a>
</td><td width=100></td><td align="center">
<a href="install.html" title="openmamba installation"><img src="/images/media_gr.png" alt="install"></a>
</td><td width=100></td><td align="center">
<a href="milestone1.html" title="openmamba software packages"><img src="/images/system_gr.png" alt="use"></a>
</td><td width=100></td><td align="center">
<a href="" title="Notify and fix openmamba bugs"><img src="/images/bugs-54x54_gr.png" alt="bug tracking"></a>
</td><td width=100></td><td align="center">
<a href="development.html" title="openmamba development area"><img src="/images/packages_gr.png" alt="development"></a>
<tr><td align="center">
<a href="/info.html">read</a>
</td><td></td><td align="center">
<a href="download.html">get</a>
</td><td></td><td align="center">
<a href="install.html">install</a>
</td><td></td><td align="center">
<a href="milestone1.html">use</a>
</td><td></td><td align="center">
<a href="">fix</a>
</td><td></td><td align="center">
<a href="development.html">develop</a>
The following channels are available if you want to communicate with the other developers:
<li><a href="">forum</a>
<li><a href="/lists">mailing lists</a>
<li><a href="">bug tracking site</a>
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
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<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="index.${lang}.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Distribuzione GNU/Linux" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="La distribuzione GNU/Linux openmamba." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="distro,distribuzione,open,mamba,installazione,scaricamento,download,sviluppo" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="GNU/Linux pronto per l'uso" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#set var="anim_num" value="18" -->
<!--#set var="anim_path" value="/images/anim1/a" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%"><tr><td>
<tr><td valign="middle">
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/distribution-openmamba-64x64-gr.jpg" alt="distribuzione GNU/Linux openmamba"></td>
<td class="toptitle">Distribuzione GNU/Linux</td>
<p>La distribuzione GNU/Linux <b><font color=green>open</font>mamba</b> è un sistema Open Source con le seguenti
<li>supporta piattaforme PC (Intel i686 e compatibili)
<li>è utilizzabile su computer portatili, desktop e server
<li>è stabile, affidabile, veloce e facile da usare
<li>supporta applicazioni multimediali, per l'ufficio, giochi e molto altro
<li>può essere scaricato, installato ed usato gratuitamente e liberamente
<li>ognuno può contribuire allo sviluppo entrando a far parte della <a href="">community openmamba</a>.
<table align="center" class="iconmenu"><tr><td align="center">
<a href="/info.html" title="informazioni su openmamba"><img src="/images/info_gr.png" with="54" alt="informazioni su openmamba"></a>
</td><td width=100></td><td align="center">
<a href="download.html" title="scarica openmamba"><img src="/images/download.png" with="54" alt="scarica openmamba"></a>
</td><td width=100></td><td align="center">
<a href="install.html" title="installa openmamba"><img src="/images/media_gr.png" alt="installazione"></a>
</td><td width=100></td><td align="center">
<a href="milestone1.html" title="pacchetti software di openmamba"><img src="/images/system_gr.png" alt="usa"></a>
</td><td width=100></td><td align="center">
<a href="" title="Segnala e risolvi le anomalie (bugs) di openmamba"><img src="/images/bugs-54x54_gr.png" alt="bug tracking"></a>
</td><td width=100></td><td align="center">
<a href="development.html" title="Sviluppa openmamba"><img src="/images/packages_gr.png" alt="sviluppo"></a>
<tr><td align="center">
<a href="/info.html">leggi</a>
</td><td></td><td align="center">
<a href="download.html">scarica</a>
</td><td></td><td align="center">
<a href="install.html">installa</a>
</td><td></td><td align="center">
<a href="milestone1.html">usa</a>
</td><td></td><td align="center">
<a href="">aggiusta</a>
</td><td></td><td align="center">
<a href="development.html">sviluppa</a>
Per entrare in contatto con gli altri sviluppatori sono disponibili i seguenti canali:
<li><a href="">forum (via web)</a>
<li><a href="/lists">liste di discussione (via e-mail)</a>
<li><a href="">sito di bug tracking</a>
<div class="header" align=right>
<img align="right" src="/images/anim1/a1.jpg" name="anim_img" width="400" height="300">
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Installation" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Informtion on the openmamba GNU/Linux development project." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<table width="100%"><tr><td>
<tr><td valign="middle">
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/media_gr.png" alt="supporti di installazione"></td>
<td class="toptitle">openmamba installation</td>
<h2>Installation from livecd</h2>
<p>openmamba installation is performed through the installer program
distributed in the <a href="/distribution/media/livecd.html">livecd</a>.
Once you have started the computer from livecd, click on the <b>openmamba installer</b>
<p>The installation procedure will let you install the system through an interface organazied in the following simple steps:<br>
<table align="center" cellspacing=10 valign="bottom"><tr align="center" valign="bottom">
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_1.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_1t.png"></a><br>1. Introduction</td>
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_2.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_2t.png"></a><br>2. Disk choice</td>
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_3.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_3t.png"></a><br>3. Partitioning tool</td>
</tr><tr align="center" valign="bottom">
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_4.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_4t.png"></a><br>4. User details dialog</td>
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_5.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_5t.png"></a><br>5. System details dialog</td>
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_6.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_6t.png"></a><br>6. Confirm before formatting</td>
</tr><tr align="center" valign="bottom">
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_7.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_7t.png"></a><br>7. Installation in progress</td>
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_8.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_8t.png"></a><br>8. Installation completed</td>
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_9.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_en_9t.png"></a><br>9. Installation log and reboot</td>
<h2>"Live" media</h2>
<p>With the <a href="/distribution/media/livecd.html">livecd</a> and <a href="/distribution/media/flash-1GB.html">flash-1GB</a>
"live" media you can both have a demonstration and fully use the GNU/Linux openmamba system without
the need to install it on a fixed disk. These media can be downloaded from the
<a href="/distribution/download.html">download</a> page.
<h2>Upgrade from QiLinux 2.0 <i>(obsolete)</i></h2>
<p>This procedure is not supported any longer. Please, follow the installation instruction
from <a href="/distribution/media/livecd.html">livecd</a> instead.
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /lang=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr=$lang --><!--#else --><!--#if expr="$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = /([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="install.${lang}.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Installazione" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Informazioni sul progetto di sviluppo GNU/Linux openmamba." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<table width="100%"><tr><td>
<tr><td valign="middle">
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/media_gr.png" alt="supporti di installazione"></td>
<td class="toptitle">installazione di openmamba</td>
<h2><b>Installazione da livecd</b></h2>
<p>L'installazione di openmamba avviene utilizzando l'apposito programma
presente sul <a href="/distribution/media/livecd.html">livecd</a>. Una volta avviato il computer da livecd fare click sull'icona denominata <b>openmamba installer</b>.
<p>Si avvierà un'interfaccia grafica di installazione che prevede i seguenti passaggi:<br>
<table align="center" cellspacing=10 valign="bottom"><tr align="center" valign="bottom">
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_1.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_1t.png"></a><br>1. Introduzione</td>
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_2.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_2t.png"></a><br>2. Scelta del disco</td>
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_3.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_3t.png"></a><br>3. Programma di partizionamento</td>
</tr><tr align="center" valign="bottom">
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_4.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_4t.png"></a><br>4. Inserimento informazioni sull'utente</td>
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_5.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_5t.png"></a><br>5. Inserimento informazioni sul computer</td>
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_6.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_6t.png"></a><br>6. Conferma per la formattazione</td>
</tr><tr align="center" valign="bottom">
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_7.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_7t.png"></a><br>7. Installazione in corso</td>
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_8.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_8t.png"></a><br>8. Installazione completata</td>
<td><a href="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_9.png" target="_install"><img src="/distribution/screenshots/openmamba-install_it_9t.png"></a><br>9. Log degli errori e riavvio</td>
<h2>Supporti "live"</h2>
Con i supporti <a href="/distribution/media/livecd.html">livecd</a> e <a href="/distribution/media/flash-1GB.html">flash-1GB</a>
è possibile sia avere una dimostrazione che utilizzare a tutti gli effetti il sistema
GNU/Linux openmamba senza effettuare l'installazione su disco fisso. Questi supporti possono essere scaricati dalla pagina di
<a href="/distribution/download.html">download</a>.<br><br>
<h2>Aggiornamento da QiLinux 2.0</b>&nbsp;<i>(obsoleta)</i></h2>
<p>Questa procedura non è più supportata, seguire le istruzioni per l'installazione
dal <a href="/distribution/media/livecd.html">livecd</a> di openmamba.
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /lang=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr=$lang --><!--#else --><!--#if expr="$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = /([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="latest.${lang}.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="Ultime versioni disponibili dei pacchetti software" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Pagina delle ultime versioni disponibili dei pacchetti software di openmamba." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="aggiornamenti,versioni" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/multicolumn.js" -->
<div><!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/distromatic/devel/_popular.html" --></div>
<table width="100%"><tr><td>
<tr><td valign="middle">
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/packages_gr.png" alt="packages"></td>
<td class="toptitle">Ultime versioni disponibili</td>
<tr><td style="column-width: 15em">
Ultime versioni disponibili [<a href="/showfile.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel/autoupdate/upstream-updates.missing">DA FARE</a>]
(fonti: <a href="" target="_new">1</a>, <a href="" target="_new">2</a>):<br>
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="bootcd" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Information on openmamba bootcd." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="GNU/Linux distribution" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%">
<tr><td valign="middle" colspan=2>
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/media_gr.png" alt="installation media"></td>
<td class="toptitle">openmamba bootcd</td>
<p><h2>What is this?</h2>
<p>A small bootable CD-ROM image that can be used to boot
openmamba <a href="flash-1GB.html">flash-1GB</a> on personal computers that can't
boot from USB devices.
</td><td width="0" valign=top>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/" -->
</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>
<p><h2>Build info</h2>
<table width="80%" class=info><tr><td>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootcd/en/" -->
<p><!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootcd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootcd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /lang=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr=$lang --><!--#else --><!--#if expr="$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = /([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="bootcd.${lang}.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="bootcd" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Informazioni sul supporto openmamba bootcd." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="Distribuzione GNU/Linux" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%">
<tr><td valign="middle" colspan=2>
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/media_gr.png" alt="supporti di installazione"></td>
<td class="toptitle">openmamba bootcd</td>
<p><b>openmamba bootcd</b> è un CD-ROM di avvio della dimensione di 3,5 MB
che può essere utilizzato per avviare openmamba <a href="flash-1GB.html">flash-1GB</a> anche su computer che non supportano l'avvio da USB.
</td><td width="0" valign=top>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/" -->
</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>
<p><!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootcd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootcd/" -->
<p><h2>Informazioni dettagliate</h2>
<table width="80%" class=info><tr><td>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootcd/it/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="bootusb-test" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Information on openmamba bootusb-test." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="GNU/Linux distribution" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%">
<tr><td valign="middle" colspan=2>
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/media_gr.png" alt="email address"></td>
<td class="toptitle">openmamba bootusb-test</td>
<p><h2>What is this?</h2>
<p>Lets you boot the openmamba testcd ISO image from a USB Flash storage device thus allowing live use and installation
on computer that don't have a CD/DVD-ROM reader.
It can be used also if you don't want to use a CD/DVD-ROM media and if you want a faster system startup and
</td><td width="0" valign=top>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/" -->
</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>
<div class="info">
<table width="80%"><tr><td>
<b>Installation instructions:</b><br><br>
<font size="-1">
<p>1) <b>USB storage device partitioning</b>
<li>insert the storage and identify its device name (e.g. /dev/sda)
<li>make sure that no partitions are mounted for the device
<li>run fdisk or cfdisk and create a partition that is at least 1GB large
<li>mark the partition as "bootable"
<li>identify the device corresponding to the partition (e.g. /dev/sda1)
<p>2) <b>Formatting the device</b>
<pre>mkfs.ext2 -b 2048 &lt;partition device&gt;</pre>
The filesystem (ext2) and the given option are recommended to fit the system on a 1 GB device.
<p>3) <b>Installing the cpio image</b>
mount &lt;partition device&gt; &lt;mount point&gt;
cd &lt;mount point&gt;
gunzip -c &lt; openmamba-botusb-en-i586.cpio.gz | cpio -i
<p>4) <b>Installing extlinux bootloader</b>
<p>You need the
<a href="">syslinux</a> package installed on your computer, then use the following command
from the &lt;mount point&gt; directory:
<pre>extlinux --install boot</pre>
<p>5) <b>Installing master boot record (MBR)</b>
<p>You need the
<a href="">mbr</a> package installed on your computer,
then use the following command:
<pre>install-mbr &lt;disk device&gt;</pre>
<p>6) <b>Copying the ISO image file</b>
<p>Copy the ISO image file of an openmamba media (livecd, livestudio, installdvd...) in the devire root directory:
cp &lt;file ISO&gt; &lt;mount point&gt;
Unmount the storage and that's all about installation.
<p>7) <b>Running the system</b>
<p>Reboot your computer with the USB storage inserted in.
<p>Your computer maybe configured or not for booting from a
USB Hard Drive/Storage device; check your bios configuration and
wheter it supports booting from USB (many bioses are buggy!).
<p>Stable release:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/bootusb-test/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/bootusb-test/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/bootusb-test/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/bootusb-test/" -->
<p>Weekly snapshot:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootusb-test/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootusb-test/" -->
<p><h2>Build info</h2>
<div class="info">
<table width="80%"><tr><td>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootusb-test/en/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /lang=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr=$lang --><!--#else --><!--#if expr="$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = /([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="bootusb-test.${lang}.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="bootusb-test" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Informazioni su openmamba bootusb-test." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="Distribuzione GNU/Linux" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%">
<tr><td valign="middle" colspan=2>
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/media_gr.png" alt="supporti di installazione"></td>
<td class="toptitle">openmamba bootusb-test</td>
<p><b>openmamba bootusb-test</b> permette di avviare l'immagine ISO di openmamba testcd da un supporto storage Flash USB consentendo l'avvio live e
l'installazione di openmamba su computer che non dispongono di lettore CD/DVD-ROM.
Può essere usato anche per evitare di dover utilizzare un supporto CD/DVD-ROM e per un avvio ed un'installazione
più veloci.
</td><td width="0" valign=top>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/" -->
</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>
<table class=info><tr><td>
<b>Istruzioni per l'installazione:</b><br><br>
<font size="-1">
<p>1) <b>Partizionamento del dispositivo storage USB</b>
<li>inserisci il dispositivo in una porta usb ed identifica il nome del device (es. /dev/sda)
<li>assicurati che nessuna partizione del dispositivo sia montata
<li>esegui fdisk o cfdisk per creare una partizione grossa almento 1 GB
<li>imposta la partizione come avviabile ("bootable")
<li>identifica il device corrispondente alla partizione creata (es. /dev/sda1)
<p>2) <b>Formattazione</b>
<pre>mkfs.ext2 -b 2048 &lt;device della partizione&gt;</pre>
Si raccomanda di utilizzare il filesystem ext2 e l'opzione -b 2048 al fine di non
eccedere oltre 1 GB di occupazione di spazio della partizione sistema.
<p>3) <b>Installazione dell'immagine cpio</b>
mount &lt;device della partizione&gt; &lt;mount point&gt;
cd &lt;mount point&gt;
gunzip -c &lt; openmamba-bootusb-test-it-i586.cpio.gz | cpio -i
<p>4) <b>Installazione del boot loader extlinux</b>
<p>Occore avere il pacchetto
<a href="">syslinux</a> installato sul proprio computer.
Usa il comando seguente dalla directory &lt;mount point&gt;:
<pre>extlinux --install boot</pre>
<p>5) <b>Installazione del master boot record (MBR)</b>
<p>Occore avere il pacchetto
<a href="">mbr</a> installato sul proprio computer.
Quindi usa il comando seguente:
<pre>install-mbr &lt;device del disco&gt;</pre>
<p>6) <b>Copia dell'immagine ISO</b>
<p>Copia il file immagine ISO del media testcd di openmamba nella cartella principale del dispositivo:
cp &lt;file ISO&gt; &lt;mount point&gt;
L'operazione di installazione è conclusa e puoi smontare il dispositivo.
<p>7) <b>Avvio del sistema</b>
<p>Riavvia il computer con il dispositivo storage inserito in una porta USB.
<p>Il tuo computer può essere o meno configurato per l'avvio da un dispositivo di tipo
USB Hard Drive/Storage; controlla la configurazione del BIOS e verifica che l'avvio da USB
sia supportato (in molti BIOS pur avendo l'opzione nel setup il boot da USB non funziona).
In ogni caso è possibile utilizzare openmamba <a href="bootcd.html">bootcd</a> per l'avvio
su ogni tipo di computer.
<p>Versione stabile:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/bootusb-test/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/bootusb-test/" -->
<p>Versione pre-release:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/bootusb-test/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/bootusb-test/" -->
<p>Snapshot settimanale:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootusb-test/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootusb-test/" -->
<p><h2>Informazioni dettagliate</h2>
<table width="80%" class=info><tr><td>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootusb-test/it/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="bootusb" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Information on openmamba bootusb." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="GNU/Linux distribution" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%">
<tr><td valign="middle" colspan=2>
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/media_gr.png" alt="email address"></td>
<td class="toptitle">openmamba bootusb</td>
<p><h2>What is this?</h2>
<p>Lets you boot an openmamba ISO image from a USB Flash storage device thus allowing live use and installation
on computer that don't have a CD/DVD-ROM reader.
It can be used also if you don't want to use a CD/DVD-ROM media and if you want a faster system startup and
</td><td width="0" valign=top>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/" -->
</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>
<div class="info">
<table width="80%"><tr><td>
<b>Installation instructions:</b><br><br>
<font size="-1">
<p>1) <b>USB storage device partitioning</b>
<li>insert the storage and identify its device name (e.g. /dev/sda)
<li>make sure that no partitions are mounted for the device
<li>run fdisk or cfdisk and create a partition that is at least 1GB large
<li>mark the partition as "bootable"
<li>identify the device corresponding to the partition (e.g. /dev/sda1)
<p>2) <b>Formatting the device</b>
<pre>mkfs.ext2 -b 2048 &lt;partition device&gt;</pre>
The filesystem (ext2) and the given option are recommended to fit the system on a 1 GB device.
<p>3) <b>Installing the cpio image</b>
mount &lt;partition device&gt; &lt;mount point&gt;
cd &lt;mount point&gt;
gunzip -c &lt; openmamba-botusb-en-i586.cpio.gz | cpio -i
<p>4) <b>Installing extlinux bootloader</b>
<p>You need the
<a href="">syslinux</a> package installed on your computer, then use the following command
from the &lt;mount point&gt; directory:
<pre>extlinux --install boot</pre>
<p>5) <b>Installing master boot record (MBR)</b>
<p>You need the
<a href="">mbr</a> package installed on your computer,
then use the following command:
<pre>install-mbr &lt;disk device&gt;</pre>
<p>6) <b>Copying the ISO image file</b>
<p>Copy the ISO image file of an openmamba media (livecd, livestudio, installdvd...) in the devire root directory:
cp &lt;file ISO&gt; &lt;mount point&gt;
Unmount the storage and that's all about installation.
<p>7) <b>Running the system</b>
<p>Reboot your computer with the USB storage inserted in.
<p>Your computer maybe configured or not for booting from a
USB Hard Drive/Storage device; check your bios configuration and
wheter it supports booting from USB (many bioses are buggy!).
<p>Stable release:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/bootusb/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/bootusb/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/bootusb/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/bootusb/" -->
<p>Weekly snapshot:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootusb/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootusb/" -->
<p><h2>Build info</h2>
<div class="info">
<table width="80%"><tr><td>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootusb/en/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /lang=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr=$lang --><!--#else --><!--#if expr="$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = /([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="bootusb.${lang}.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="bootusb" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Informazioni su openmamba bootusb." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="Distribuzione GNU/Linux" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%">
<tr><td valign="middle" colspan=2>
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/media_gr.png" alt="supporti di installazione"></td>
<td class="toptitle">openmamba bootusb</td>
<p><b>openmamba bootusb</b> permette di avviare un'immagine ISO di openmamba da un supporto storage Flash USB consentendo l'avvio live e
l'installazione di openmamba su computer che non dispongono di lettore CD/DVD-ROM.
Può essere usato anche per evitare di dover utilizzare un supporto CD/DVD-ROM e per un avvio ed un'installazione
più veloci.
</td><td width="0" valign=top>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/" -->
</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>
<table class=info><tr><td>
<b>Istruzioni per l'installazione:</b><br><br>
<font size="-1">
<p>1) <b>Partizionamento del dispositivo storage USB</b>
<li>inserisci il dispositivo in una porta usb ed identifica il nome del device (es. /dev/sda)
<li>assicurati che nessuna partizione del dispositivo sia montata
<li>esegui fdisk o cfdisk per creare una partizione grossa almento 1 GB
<li>imposta la partizione come avviabile ("bootable")
<li>identifica il device corrispondente alla partizione creata (es. /dev/sda1)
<p>2) <b>Formattazione</b>
<pre>mkfs.ext2 -b 2048 &lt;device della partizione&gt;</pre>
Si raccomanda di utilizzare il filesystem ext2 e l'opzione -b 2048 al fine di non
eccedere oltre 1 GB di occupazione di spazio della partizione sistema.
<p>3) <b>Installazione dell'immagine cpio</b>
mount &lt;device della partizione&gt; &lt;mount point&gt;
cd &lt;mount point&gt;
gunzip -c &lt; openmamba-bootusb-it-i586.cpio.gz | cpio -i
<p>4) <b>Installazione del boot loader extlinux</b>
<p>Occore avere il pacchetto
<a href="">syslinux</a> installato sul proprio computer.
Usa il comando seguente dalla directory &lt;mount point&gt;:
<pre>extlinux --install boot</pre>
<p>5) <b>Installazione del master boot record (MBR)</b>
<p>Occore avere il pacchetto
<a href="">mbr</a> installato sul proprio computer.
Quindi usa il comando seguente:
<pre>install-mbr &lt;device del disco&gt;</pre>
<p>6) <b>Copia dell'immagine ISO</b>
<p>Copia il file immagine ISO di un media di openmamba (livecd, livestudio, installdvd...) nella cartella principale del dispositivo:
cp &lt;file ISO&gt; &lt;mount point&gt;
L'operazione di installazione è conclusa e puoi smontare il dispositivo.
<p>7) <b>Avvio del sistema</b>
<p>Riavvia il computer con il dispositivo storage inserito in una porta USB.
<p>Il tuo computer può essere o meno configurato per l'avvio da un dispositivo di tipo
USB Hard Drive/Storage; controlla la configurazione del BIOS e verifica che l'avvio da USB
sia supportato (in molti BIOS pur avendo l'opzione nel setup il boot da USB non funziona).
In ogni caso è possibile utilizzare openmamba <a href="bootcd.html">bootcd</a> per l'avvio
su ogni tipo di computer.
<p>Versione stabile:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/bootusb/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/bootusb/" -->
<p>Versione pre-release:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/bootusb/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/bootusb/" -->
<p>Snapshot settimanale:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootusb/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootusb/" -->
<p><h2>Informazioni dettagliate</h2>
<table width="80%" class=info><tr><td>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/bootusb/it/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="flash-1GB" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Information on openmamba flash-1GB." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="GNU/Linux distribution" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%">
<tr><td valign="middle" colspan=2>
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/media_gr.png" alt="email address"></td>
<td class="toptitle">openmamba flash-1GB</td>
<p><h2>What is this?</h2>
<p>A live release of the openmamba GNU/Linux system that can easily be installed on a
flash storage device and run on any computer capable of booting from such USB device.
<p>The image is available as a weekly snapshot of the <a href="">openmamba devel repository</a>.
<table class=info><tr><td>
<li>live desktop system for Intel i586 and compatible PC's
<li>KDE desktop environment with multimedia support for audio and video
<li>full networking support with the ability to perform updates and install additional packages
<li>automatic detection and configuration of nvidia and ATI accelerated drivers
<li>NTFS read/write support with ntfs-3g
</td><td width="0" valign=top>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/" -->
</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>
<table width="80%"><tr><td>
<div class="info">
<b>Installation instructions:</b>
<font size="-1">
<p>1st step) <b>USB storage device partitioning</b>
<li>insert the storage and identify its device name (e.g. /dev/sda)
<li>make sure that no partitions are mounted for the device
<li>run fdisk or cfdisk and create a partition that is at least 1GB large
<li>mark the partition as "bootable"
<li>identify the device corresponding to the partitiong (e.g. /dev/sda1)
<p>2nd step) <b>Formatting the device</b>
<pre>mkfs.ext2 -b 2048 <partition device></pre>
The filesystem (ext2) and the given option are recommended to fit the system on a 1 GB device.
<p>3rd step) <b>Installing the cpio image</b>
mount &lt;partition device&gt; &lt;mount point&gt;
cd &lt;mount point&gt;
gunzip -c &lt; openmamba-flash-1GB-en-i586.cpio.gz | cpio -i
<p>4th step) <b>Installing extlinux bootloader</b>
<p>You need
<a href="">syslinux</a> installed on your computer, then use the following command
from the &lt;mount point&gt; directory:
<pre>extlinux --install boot</pre>
Unmount the storage and that's all about installation.
<p>5th step) <b>Running the system</b>
<p>Reboot your computer with the USB storage inserted in.
<p>Your computer maybe configured or not for booting from a
USB Hard Drive/Storage device; check your bios configuration and
wheter it supports booting from USB (many bioses are buggy!).
<p><!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/flash-1GB/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/flash-1GB/" -->
<p><h2>Build info</h2>
<table width="80%"><tr><td>
<div class="info">
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/flash-1GB/en/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /lang=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif -->
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<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="flash-1GB.${lang}.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="flash-1GB" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Informazioni su openmamba flash-1GB." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="Distribuzione GNU/Linux" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%">
<tr><td valign="middle" colspan=2>
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/media_gr.png" alt="email address"></td>
<td class="toptitle">openmamba flash-1GB</td>
<p><h2>Che cos'è?</h2>
<p>Una versone live del sistema openmamba GNU/Linux che può essere facilmente installata su un
dispositivo di memorizzazione flash ed eseguito su qualunque computer che supporti l'avvio da questo tipo di dispositivi USB.
<p>L'archivio è disponibile come snapshot settimanale del <a href="">repository devel di openmamba</a>.
<table class=info><tr><td>
<li>sistema desktop live per PC basati su processore Intel i586 e compatibili
<li>ambiente desktop KDE con supporto per applicazioni multimediali e l'accesso ad internet
<li>capacità di effettuare aggiornamenti ed installare pacchetti aggiuntivi dalla rete
<li>rilevamento automatico e configurazione dei driver proprietari per i chipset video ATI e NVIDIA
<li>supporto in lettura e scrittura per il filesystem NTFS
</td><td width="0" valign=top>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/" -->
</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>
<table width="80%"><tr><td>
<div class="info">
<b>Istruzioni per l'installazione:</b>
<font size="-1">
<p>passo 1) <b>Partizionamento del dispositivo di memorizzazione Flash</b>
<li>inserisci il dispositivo in una porta USB ed identificare il nome del device (es. /dev/sda)
<li>assicurati che non vi siano partizioni montate per questo dispositivo
<li>esegui parted o cfdisk e crea una partizione della dimensione di almeno 1GB (consigliati 2GB)
<li>imposta il flag "bootable" per la partizione
<li>identifica il dispositivo corrispondente alla partizione (es. /dev/sda1)
<p>passo 2) <b>Formattazione della partizione</b>
<pre>mkfs.ext2 -b 2048 <partition device></pre>
Il filesystem (ext2) con le opzioni date sono raccomandati per ottimizzare lo spazio su un dispositivo da 1 GB.
<p>passo 3) <b>Installazione dell'immagine cpio</b>
mount &lt;partition device&gt; &lt;mount point&gt;
cd &lt;mount point&gt;
gunzip -c &lt; openmamba-flash-1GB-en-i586.cpio.gz | cpio -i
<p>passo 4) <b>Installazione del boot loader extlinux</b>
<p>E' necessario avere
<a href="">syslinux</a> installato sul proprio computer. Dopodiché esegui il seguente comando
dalla cartella corrispondente al &lt;punto di mount&gt;:
<pre>extlinux --install boot</pre>
<br>L'installazione è completata ed è possibile smontare il dispositivo.
<p>passo 5) <b>Avvio del sistema</b>
<p>Riavvia il computer con il dispositivo di memorizzazione flash inserito in una porta USB del computer.
<br>Il computer può essere o meno configurato per l'avvio da un dispositivo esterno
USB; utilizza l'interfaccia di setup BIOS per controllare se il computer supporta l'avvio da USB (alcuni bios non recenti hanno problemi anche se la funzione è supportata!).
<p><!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/flash-1GB/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/flash-1GB/" -->
<p><h2>Build info</h2>
<table width="80%"><tr><td>
<div class="info">
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/flash-1GB/en/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="livecd" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Information on the openmamba livecd media." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="GNU/Linux distribution" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%">
<tr><td valign="middle" colspan=2>
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/media_gr.png" alt="installation media"></td>
<td class="toptitle">openmamba installdvd</td>
<p><h2>What is this?</h2>
<p><b>openmamba installdvd</b> is a live release of the <b>openmamba</b> operating system that can immediately be used
simply by booting or rebooting your computer with the CD in the reader.
<p>It also provides an installation interface for system installation on fixed disk that
lets you use openmamba while maintaining the operating system pre-installed in
your computer (e.g. Microsoft Windows).
<p>It works on almost any Personal Computer: notebook, desktop and server.
<p><h2>Who is it for?</h2>
<p><b>openmamba livecd</b> is the base medium for who wants to install it on a computer (*) without having
a internet connection available. Infact the difference from the livecd version is that it will install all the
base packages rapidly providing a complete installation.
It is suitable for most kinds of computer usages at home or office, i.e. accessing
Internet, producing documents, listening to music and watching movies and it's useful
for data recovery on computers where the installed operating system does no longer work.
<p><i>(*) you may also use the livecd, livestudio and livegames media for installation</i>
<table class=info><tr><td>
<li>live desktop system for standard Personal Computers (Intel i686 or compatible)
<li>top applications: OpenOffice, amarok, kaffeine, wine, gimp, firefox, kopete,audacity,k3b
<li>automatic hardware detection and configuration for multimediality
<li>support for proprietary nvidia and ATI 3D graphic drivers, Open Source drivers support is available too
<li>NTFS read and write support using ntfs-3g
<li>3D graphical desktop support with AIGLX and Compiz
<li>professional audio support with jack low-latency server
<li>fixed disk installation interface
</td><td width="0" valign=top>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/" -->
</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>
<table width="600" class=info><tr><td>
<p>A Personal Computer (PC) or an Intel based Mac with the following minimum components:
<li>processor: Intel Pentium III or higher or AMD K6/Duron/Athlon or higher
<li>196 MB of RAM or more (256 are recommended)
<li>a CD-ROM drive
Additional requirements for system installation:
<li>a fixed disk with 5 GB of free space or more
<table width="600" class=info><tr><td>
<font size="-1">
<p><b>CD burning</b>
<br>The livecd system is distributed as a standard ISO 9660 image file.
So you have to burn it as an ISO image file, the option is available in most CD
burning programs.
openmamba livecd fits in a 700 MB (80 minutes) CD-R o CD-RW empty support.
<p><b>livecd startup</b>
<br>Insert the CD in the player and restart the computer. On most computers the system
should start up automatically but sometimes you have to tell the BIOS to boot from CD.
Please see your computer guide or read the startup messages on video for more
information on how to boot from CD.
<p>After a 1-3 minutes wait for system startup (times depend on computer hardware features)
openmamba graphical interface will be available and ready to use in a KDE environment
with superuser (root) user permissions.
<p>Stable release:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/installdvd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/installdvd/" -->
<p>Weekly snapshot:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/installdvd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/installdvd/" -->
<table width="80%" class=info><tr><td>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/livecd/en/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /lang=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr=$lang --><!--#else --><!--#if expr="$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = /([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="installdvd.${lang}.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="installdvd" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Informazioni sul supporto openmamba installdvd." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="Distribuzione GNU/Linux" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%">
<tr><td valign="middle" colspan=2>
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/media_gr.png" alt="supporti di installazione"></td>
<td class="toptitle">openmamba installdvd</td>
<p><b>openmamba installdvd</b> è una versione live del sistema operativo <b>openmamba</b> utilizzabile immediatamente avviando o riavviando il computer con il CD inserito nel lettore.
<p>Esso fornisce inoltre un'interfaccia per l'installazione su disco fisso che
permette di usare openmamba mantenendo il sistema operativo già installato sul computer (es. Microsoft Windows).
<p>E' compatibile con la maggior parte dei Personal Computer: portatili, desktop o server.
<p><h2>Per chi è?</h2>
<p><b>openmamba installdvd</b> è il supporto base per chi desidera installare openmamba sul proprio computer (*) senza
dover disporre di una connessione ad internet. Infatti a differenza della versione livecd, installdvd effettua l'installazione
di tutti i pacchetti base fornendo rapidamente un'installazione completa.
&Egrave; ideale per la maggior parte degli utilizzi di un computer
a casa e in ufficio, ossia per accedere ad Internet, scrivere documenti, ascoltare
musica e vedere film ed è utile anche a chi ha necessità di recuperare i dati su un computer in cui non funziona più il sistema operativo.
<p><i>(*) possono essere utilizzati per l'installazione anche le versioni livecd, livestudio e livegames.</i>
<table class=info><tr><td>
<li>sistema desktop live per Personal Computer standard (Intel i686 o compatibili)
<li>principali applicazioni: OpenOffice, amarok, kaffeine, wine, gimp, firefox, kopete, audacity, k3b
<li>riconoscimento e configurazione automatica del sistema per la multimedialità
<li>supporto per i driver proprietari nvidia e ATI, opzione di avvio con driver Open Source
<li>supporto in lettura e scrittura di partizioni NTFS con ntfs-3g
<li>supporto per il desktop grafico 3D con AIGLX e Compiz
<li>supporto per l'audio professionale con il server a bassa latenza jack
<li>interfaccia di installazione su disco fisso
</td><td width="0" valign=top>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/" -->
</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>
<table width="600" class=info><tr><td>
<p>Il sistema può funzionare su Personal Computer (PC) e su computer Mac basati su processore
Intel che abbiano i seguenti minimi componenti:
<li>processore Intel Pentium III o superiore o AMD K6/Duron/Athlon o superiore
<li>196 MB di RAM o più (256 sono raccomandati)
<li>un lettore CD/DVD-ROM
Per l'installazione del sistema è inoltre richiesto:
<li>un disco fisso con almeno 5 GB di spazio libero
<table width="600"><tr><td>
<font size="-1">
<br>Il sistema installdvd viene distribuito nel formato standard ISO 9660. Per la masterizzazione occorre
utilizzare un programma apposito e scrivere il CD come file di immagine.
openmamba livecd richiede un supporto DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW o DVD+RW.
<p><b>Avvio del DVD</b>
<br>Inserisci il DVD nell'apposito lettore e riavvia. In molti computer il sistema si
avvierà automaticamente mentre in alcuni casi è necessario impostare nel setup o nel
menù di avvio del BIOS l'avvio da DVD. Puoi consultare il manuale del computer o leggere
i messaggi che compaiono all'avvio per maggiori informazioni su come avviare da DVD.
<p>Dopo la fase di avvio del sistema della durata di 1-3 minuti (i tempi dipendono dalle
caratteristiche del computer) sarà disponibile l'ambiente grafico di openmamba basato su
KDE con i privilegi di superutente (root).
<p>Versione stabile:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/installdvd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/installdvd/" -->
<!--<p>Versione pre-release:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/installdvd/" -- >
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone2/media/installdvd/" -- >
<p><h2>Informazioni dettagliate</h2>
<table width="80%"><tr><td>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/milestone1/media/installdvd/it/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#set var="title" value="livecd" -->
<!--#set var="description" value="Information on the openmamba livecd media." -->
<!--#set var="keywords" value="about,faq,contact,information" -->
<!--#set var="slogan" value="GNU/Linux distribution" -->
<!--#include virtual="/header.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="/scripts/" -->
<table width="100%">
<tr><td valign="middle" colspan=2>
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><img src="/images/media_gr.png" alt="installation media"></td>
<td class="toptitle">openmamba livecd</td>
<p><h2>What is this?</h2>
<p><b>openmamba livecd</b> is a live release of the <b>openmamba</b> operating system that can immediately be used
simply by booting or rebooting your computer with the CD in the reader.
<p>It also provides an installation interface for system installation on fixed disk that
lets you use openmamba while maintaining the operating system pre-installed in
your computer (e.g. Microsoft Windows).
<p>It works on almost any Personal Computer: notebook, desktop and server.
<p><h2>Who is it for?</h2>
<p><b>openmamba livecd</b> is the base medium for who wants to install it on a computer (*).
It is also suitable for most kinds of computer usages at home or office, i.e. accessing
Internet, producing documents, listening to music and watching movies and it's useful
for data recovery on computers where the installed operating system does no longer work.
<p><i>(*) you may also use the livestudio and livegames media for installation</i>
<table class=info><tr><td>
<li>live desktop system for standard Personal Computers (Intel i686 or compatible)
<li>top applications: OpenOffice, amarok, kaffeine, wine, gimp, firefox, kopete,audacity,k3b
<li>automatic hardware detection and configuration for multimediality
<li>support for proprietary nvidia and ATI 3D graphic drivers, Open Source drivers support is available too
<li>NTFS read and write support using ntfs-3g
<li>3D graphical desktop support with AIGLX and Compiz
<li>professional audio support with jack low-latency server
<li>fixed disk installation interface
</td><td width="0" valign=top>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/" -->
</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>
<table width="600" class=info><tr><td>
<p>A Personal Computer (PC) or an Intel based Mac with the following minimum components:
<li>processor: Intel Pentium III or higher or AMD K6/Duron/Athlon or higher
<li>196 MB of RAM or more (256 are recommended)
<li>a CD-ROM drive
Additional requirements for system installation:
<li>a fixed disk with 5 GB of free space or more
<table width="600" class=info><tr><td>
<font size="-1">
<p><b>CD burning</b>
<br>The livecd system is distributed as a standard ISO 9660 image file.
So you have to burn it as an ISO image file, the option is available in most CD
burning programs.
openmamba livecd fits in a 700 MB (80 minutes) CD-R o CD-RW empty support.
<p><b>livecd startup</b>
<br>Insert the CD in the player and restart the computer. On most computers the system
should start up automatically but sometimes you have to tell the BIOS to boot from CD.
Please see your computer guide or read the startup messages on video for more
information on how to boot from CD.
<p>After a 1-3 minutes wait for system startup (times depend on computer hardware features)
openmamba graphical interface will be available and ready to use in a KDE environment
with superuser (root) user permissions.
<p>Stable release:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/media/milestone1/livecd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/media/milestone1/livecd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/media/milestone2/livecd/" -- >
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/media/milestone2/livecd/" -->
<p>Weekly snapshot:
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/media/devel/livecd/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/media/devel/livecd/" -->
<table width="80%" class=info><tr><td>
<!--#include virtual="/pub/openmamba/devel/media/livecd/en/" -->
<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /lang=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr=$lang --><!--#else --><!--#if expr="$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = /([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="livecd.${lang}.html" -->
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /lang=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr=$lang --><!--#else --><!--#if expr="$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = /([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="livedvd.${lang}.html" -->
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /lang=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr=$lang --><!--#else --><!--#if expr="$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = /([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="livegames.${lang}.html" -->
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /lang=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr=$lang --><!--#else --><!--#if expr="$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = /([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="livestudio.${lang}.html" -->
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /lang=([a-zA-Z0-9\-+_\.]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr=$lang --><!--#else --><!--#if expr="$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = /([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/" --><!--#set var="lang" value="$1" --><!--#endif --><!--#endif -->
<!--#if expr="${lang} != it" --><!--#set var="lang" value="en" --><!--#endif -->
<!--#include virtual="sdk.${lang}.html" -->
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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