autospec-1.4.15-libapse_sourceforge.patch 2.18 KB
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Silvan Calarco's avatar
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--- autospec-1.4.15/lib/	2010-01-12 22:46:27.000000000 +0100
+++ autospec-1.4.15/lib/	2010-03-26 13:28:14.000000000 +0100
@@ -397,6 +397,56 @@
+   #,
+   local prj_name
+   if [ "$(echo $pckurl | grep "\|")" ]; then
+      notify.note $"looking at"" <${NOTE}${NORM}>..."
+      prj_name=$(echo "$pckurl" | sed -n 's,.*/\(.*\)/.*,\1,p')
+      [ "$prj_name" ] || notify.error $"\
+(bug)"" -- $FUNCNAME: "$"assertion failed:"" \"\$prj_name\" != \"\""
+      curr_curl_url="$prj_name"
+      notify.debug "curl \$curr_curl_proxy_opts -s -L \"$curr_curl_url\""
+      curl $curr_curl_proxy_opts -s -L "$curr_curl_url" > $fcurlout
+      let "retval = $?"
+      case "$retval" in
+      0) ;;
+      7) notify.warning $"failed to connect to host" ;;
+      *) notify.warning $"curl error (exit code: $retval)" ;;
+      esac
+      [ "$retval" = "0" ] &&
+      if [ "$(sed -n "s,.*Invalid Project.*,error,pi" $fcurlout)" != \
+           "error" ]; then
+         [ "$src_name" ] || src_name="$specname"
+         pck_file=`grep -i -m1 "/download" $fcurlout | \
+grep -i "$src_name" | \
+sed -n "s,.*\"\([^\"]*\)\/download\".*,\1,pi"`
+         notify.debug "pck_file = \"$pck_file\""
+         [ "$src_name" ] && unset src_name
+         new_version=`echo $pck_file | sed -n "\
+/[0-9]/!q       # return nothing if no number is found in the package name
+s,.*/,,         # remove directory name, if any
+s/\.[^0-9].*//  # remove trailing stuff (.tar.gz, ...)
+/-[0-9]*/{s/.*-\([0-9]*.*\)/\1/p;q}              # <pck_name>-<pck_ver>
+/_[0-9]*/{s/.*_\([0-9]*.*\)/\1/p;q}              # <pck_name>_<pck_ver>
+/[^-\.][0-9]\./{s/.*[^-\.]\([0-9]\..*\)/\1/p;q}  # <pck_name><pck_ver>
+# <pck_name> (no version, but <pck_name> can end with numbers)
+      fi
+   fi
+   if [ "$new_version" ]; then
+      notify.note "* "$"found version:"" \`${NOTE}$new_version${NORM}'"
+      last_version="$new_version"
+   fi
    # check at the other supported web sites...
    # skip perl packages to prevent name confusion; these are checked above via Source0